News Release - Rochester 2034 Plan Four-Year Progress Report Highlights Achievements and Future Plans

 City of Rochester

News Release

Rochester 2034 Plan Four-Year Progress Report Highlights Achievements and Future Plans

(Thursday, May 16, 2024) – City of Rochester Mayor Malik D. Evans today announced the release of the Rochester 2034 Moving Forward Four-Year Progress Report, showcasing the significant accomplishments made since the adoption of the City’s fourth comprehensive plan, Rochester 2034, in 2019.  

“Rochester 2034 is our City’s North Star. Our vision and goals remain steady as we approach our 200th birthday in 2034, but how we reach those goals remains flexible,” shared Mayor Evans. “This plan was created by and for the people. It is a product of substantial conversations and collaboration with our residents, businesses, and community partners.” 

The 15-year plan poses the question, “Who do we want to be as a community when we arrive at our 200th birthday in 2034?” It outlines a series of goals and strategies to guide the city towards a vibrant future.  

The Rochester 2034 Moving Forward Progress Report provides statistics on the advancement of each of the 600-plus strategies within the comprehensive plan, highlighting projects, programs, and initiatives that address those strategies. More than 75% of the strategies show progress, covering areas such as housing, transportation, natural resources, urban agriculture, arts and culture, public health, and economic growth. 

Highlights also include several follow-up plans and studies recommended in Rochester 2034, including the Zoning Alignment Project, Community Food Systems Plan, Urban Forest Master Plan, Arts & Culture Plan for the City of Rochester and Monroe County, and Parks & Recreation Master Plan. 

“Implementing Rochester 2034 is a massive community-wide effort, exemplifying Mayor Evans’ rally cry of ‘we, not me,’” said Kevin Kelley, Manager of City Planning. “Looking back at the four years since the Plan was adopted, it’s pretty astounding to see how much that we all have accomplished”. 

For more information about Rochester 2034 and to view the Four-Year Progress Report, visit


News Media: For more information, contact Communications Director Barbara Pierce at  

The Administration of Mayor Malik D. Evans strives to create a safe, equitable and prosperous Rochester by inspiring hope and delivering opportunity for everyone. Guided by the Administration’s Mission, Vision and Values and the principles of the “Rochester 2034” comprehensive plan, City employees are committed to providing exceptional customer service, transparent stewardship, and collaborative leadership to foster a vibrant community that empowers personal, professional and generational growth for all who live, work or play in the city of Rochester.