Emergency Medical Dispatch, What is it?

In 1988, the National Academy of Emergency Medical Dispatch was formed as a standard-setting organization for all aspects of Emergency Medical Dispatch. NAEMD is not just an association, but an academic Academy — setting it apart from many other EMS and public safety organizations that function primarily as membership, interest, and lobby groups. With an academic organization of top experts the Academy has become the authoritative voice of EMD. (Taken from www.naemd.org)

We follow EMD protocols to provide the best medical care that is possible for your loved one before the ambulance or fire department arrives.  All employees at the 911 Center are certified as Advanced EMD's so we are able to  provide a uniform level of care to all callers.

Our Center must comply with the "20 Points of Accreditation" to become certified and stay that way.  We must prove to the Academy that we are still following the 20 points of accreditation every three years. We are an EMD "Center Of Excellence" and have been continuously since 1998.