Creating a Bicycle Friendly Community in Rochester
The City of Rochester is dedicated to making this a world-class bicycling community. Since the adoption of the City’s first Bicycle Master Plan in 2011, the City has installed over 40 miles of bike lanes, about 25 miles of bike boulevards, and nearly 4 miles of cycle tracks. Rochester also has more than 40 miles of multi-use trails.
Policies, Plans, and Projects
Interactive Bicycle Facilities Map
Our interactive bicycle facilities map is filled with information on bike lanes, trails, and other bicycling amenities in the City of Rochester. Click on a feature for more information, photos and links. Users can zoom in or out, pan over and even switch the basemap to an overhead image.
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Benefits of Increased Bicycling in Rochester
Bicycle Infrastructure

Bike Lanes
This painted white lane line with bike symbols designates a 5 to 6 foot wide travel lane for exclusive use by bicycles. Motor vehicles may cross the bike lane to access adjacent parking spaces or to make a turn, but motor vehicles must yield to bicycle travel in this lane and may not use the bike lane as a travel lane.

Contra-Flow Bike Lanes
A contra-flow bike lane, is a bike lane that allows bikes to legally travel in the opposite direction of travel on a traditional one-way street. In some cases, bicycles traveling in the direction of the one-way street will also be provided a bike lane, or they may be required to share the road in that direction.

Two-Stage Turn Queue Box
This allows bicycles a safer option for making a left hand turn across a busy intersection. Instead of turning in front of traffic, a bicycle can stay to the right and cross each leg of an intersection when the traffic light is green.

Bike Boxes
A Bike Box is an extension of the Bike Lane located at a signalized intersection that allows a bicyclist to reposition themselves in front of motorized vehicles during the stop phase of a traffic light. The City has installed Bike Boxes at 3 locations in 2013.
Cars are prohibited from turning right on red at these locations to allow bicycles to move into the front position. Cars crossing the bike lane or turning right on green must yield the right of way to bicycles.

Cycle Track
A Cycle Track is a one-way or two-way bicycle only facility that runs adjacent to the street but is physically separated from both motorized traffic and the sidewalk.
The City is currently working on several projects that will include a cycle track, including the Elmwood Avenue/Collegetown Cycle Track which will connect the Genesee Riverway Trail and the College Town redevelopment along Elmwood Avenue, and the Inner Loop East Transformation Project, which will provide a cycle track along the west side of the new Union Street between Chestnut Street and University Avenue.

A Shared Use Lane Marking Symbol, also known as a Sharrow, indicates that motor vehicles and bicycles should share the travel lane. This painted symbol on the roadway provides guidance for the cyclist as to where to position themselves when riding on the pavement. Bicyclists should ride with their wheels lined up with the center of the marking. Motor vehicles may safely pass bicycles when using caution.
Sharrows are used when pavement width does not allow for a full bike lane; the markings are typically centered four feet from the curb or parking lane.

City trails are designed for the recreational use of both pedestrians and bicyclists. The Genesee Riverway Trail extends north from the statewide Erie Canal Heritage Trail through the heart of the City to Lake Ontario where it connects with the east-west Seaway Trail at the Port of Rochester.
The Genesee Riverway Trail hugs both sides of spectacular Genesee Riverway and links 11 city parks along the way, each with its own network of trails and paths.
Cyclists should use extra caution when sharing the trail with pedestrians and when crossing city streets on the trail. Most city trails close at dusk and are not plowed in the winter.
Bicycle Amenities

Bike Lockers
Bike lockers are currently available at the Mortimer Street Garage on a first-come, first-served basis. Users should bring their own locks.

Bicycle Shelter
This three-sided sheltered bike rack, located on Court Street at the Genesee Riverway Trail, provides riders with a convenient and dry spot to lock their bikes. It's in a perfect location for people bicycling into downtown via the Genesee Riverway Trail. Sheltered bike racks will soon be installed in all the City's parking garages, and will be free to use.
Sheltered Bike Racks are also located at:
- Court Street Parking Garage
- Sister Cities Parking Garage
- High Falls Parking Garages
- South Avenue Parking Garage

Bike Posts and Bike Racks
Located throughout the city, bike posts and bike racks provide riders with convenient locations to lock their bikes. In 2011 and 2012 the City installed over a hundred new bike posts. You can request bike rack installation in the public right-of-way by emailing the city's transportation specialist.
The City also offers bike rack rentals for special events (contact the Special Events office).

Bicycle Service Stand
These repair stands are free to use and feature an air pump, philips and flathead screwdrivers, box wrenches (8,9,10,11,15 & 32mm), allen wrenches (2,2.5,3,4,5,6 & 8mm) tire lever, and a torx wrench.
Find service stands at:
- Sister Cities Parking Garage: 28 N Fitzhugh St., Level 1
- Genesee Valley Sports Complex: 131 Elmwood Ave
- Maplewood Park: Driving Park Ave and the Genesee Riverway Trail
- High Falls: Platt Street near Brown Race: 81 Brown's Race