City Council Legislation, Meeting Minutes and Proceedings
The chronologically arranged list below contains recent Council Meeting Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and monthly lists of adopted laws, ordinances, and resolutions. Following the end of each calendar year, the Minutes are combined and published as the annual Proceedings of Council which are found at the bottom of this page along with Search and Annual Proceedings. The following definitions highlight the purpose of each document available below. For additional information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (585) 428-7421. All documents are in Adobe Acrobat format which can be downloaded here.
Meeting Agenda
a) Previous Council Meetings: the formal listing of proposed legislation considered by the City Council at the Council Meeting.
b) Current monthly Council Meeting cycle: Additional legislation may be added to the Agenda for the current Meeting cycle until prior to the Council Meeting. For information about additions to the current Agenda, call the City Clerk’s Office at 428-7421.
Special Council Meeting
Meetings are called by the Mayor, the Council President, or any three Councilmembers. In general, Special Meetings are called to consider proposed legislation that is time-sensitive and merits consideration by the Council prior to the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting.
Council Meeting Minutes
Minutes that record City Council actions on resolutions, local laws, and ordinances considered at a Council Meeting. The Council approves the Minutes recorded at the previous monthly Meeting; after they are formally approved by Council, they are made available on the Internet.
List of Laws, Ordinances, and Resolutions
Legislative items adopted or returned to the Committee by the Council each month.
Annual Proceedings of Council
Chronological (at the bottom of this page) records of actions on resolutions, local laws, and ordinances considered by the City Council. They record all the ayes, nays, and abstentions entered into the record by Councilmembers. Each volume, including a comprehensive subject index at the end of the book, is published in paper copy and also placed on the Internet, generally a few months after the end of each calendar.
2017-2019 Proceedings
If you would like information from 2017 -2019 proceedings, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 585-428-7421 or email
Recent City Council Meetings, Agendas and Proceedings
December | 12/17/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
December | 12/17/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
December | 12/17/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
December | 12/5/2024 | Committees Agenda Day 2 | BFG and PS |
December | 12/4/2024 | Committees Agenda Day 1 | NJH and PPPW |
November | 11/26/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/26/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
November | 11/19/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
November | 11/7/2024 | Committees Agenda Day 2 | Committees Agenda: BFG and PS |
November | 11/6/2024 | Committees Agenda Day 1 | Committees Agenda: NJH and PPPW |
October | 10/22/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/22/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
October | 10/22/24 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
October | 10/18/2024 | Mayor's Local Law Hearing | Purchasing Officer Job Titles |
October | 10/10/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 2 | Committees Agenda: BFG and PS |
October | 10/09/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 1 | Committees Agenda: NJH and PPPW |
October | 10/22/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
October | 10/22/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
September | 09/24/2024 | Minutes | Minutes from Monthly Meeting |
September | 9/24/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/24/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/24/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for monthly meeting |
September | 9/12/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 2 | Committees Agenda: BFG and PS |
September | 9/11/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 1 | Committees Agenda: PPPW and NJH |
September | 9/24/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
September | 9/24/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
August | 08/20/2024 | Minutes | Minutes from Monthly Meeting |
August | 8/20/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/20/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/20/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
August | 8/8/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 2 | Committees Agenda: BFG and PS |
August | 8/7/2024 | Committees Agenda - Day 1 | Committees Agenda: NJH and PPPW |
August | 8/20/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
August | 8/20/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
August | 8/5/2024 | Mayor's Local Law Hearing | Flood Damage Prevention Law |
July | 7/23/2024 | Minutes | Minutes from Monthly Meeting |
July | 7/23/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
July | 7/23/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
July | 7/23/2024 | Council Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
July | 7/23/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
July | 7/23/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
July | 7/11/2024 | Committee Agenda - Day 2 | Committee Agenda |
July | 7/10/2024 | Committee Agenda - Day 1 | Committee Agenda |
June | 6/18/2024 | Minutes | Minutes from Monthly Meeting |
June | 6/18/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/18/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
June | 6/18/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
June | 6/18/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | Agenda for Monthly Meeting |
June | 6/6/2024 | Committee Agenda | Item |
June | 6/5/2024 | Committee Agenda | Item |
June | 6/18/2024 | Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/21/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/21/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/21/2024 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/21/2024 | Minutes | Minutes from Monthly Meeting |
May | 5/21/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/21/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
May | 5/9/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/8/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/24/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/24/2024 | Council Meeting Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/24/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/24/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/24/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
April | 4/24/2024 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/11/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/10/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/21/2024 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/19/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
March | 3/19/2024 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/19/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
March | 3/19/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/7/2024 | Committee Agenda | Committee Agenda |
March | 3/6/2024 | Committee Agenda | Committee Meeting |
February | 2/20/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
February | 2/20/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
February | 2/20/2024 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/20/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
February | 2/20/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
February | 2/20/2024 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/8/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/7/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/7/2024 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting | |
January | 1/23/2024 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/23/2024 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
January | 1/23/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
January | 1/23/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/23/2024 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/23/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/11/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/10/2024 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/2/2024 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/2/2024 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
January | 1/2/2024 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/2/2024 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/2/2024 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/19/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
December | 12/19/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/19/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
December | 12/19/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
December | 12/19/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/19/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/19/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/7/2023 | Committees Agenda Day 2 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/6/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 1 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/14/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/14/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
November | 11/14/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Item |
November | 11/14/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/14/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/14/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/2/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 2 | Item |
November | 11/1/2023 | Committee Agenda Day-1 | Item |
October | 10/17/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/17/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
October | 10/17/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
October | 10/17/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/17/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
October | 10/17/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/5/2023 | Committee Agenda -2 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/4/2023 | Committee Agenda-1 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/19/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/19/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
September | 9/19/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
September | 9/19/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
September | 9/19/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/19/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/19/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/7/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 2 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/6/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 1 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/22/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
August | 8/22/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
August | 8/22/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/22/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/22/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/22/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/10/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/9/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/18/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
July | 7/18/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/18/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
July | 7/18/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/18/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
July | 7/18/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
July | 7/6/2023 | July 2023 Committee Agenda - Day 2 | Committee Agenda |
July | 7/5/2023 | July 2023 Committee Agenda - Day 1 | Committee Agenda |
June | 6/20/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/20/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
June | 6/20/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/20/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
June | 6/20/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/20/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/20/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/8/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/7/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/23/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/23/2023 | Local Law Hearing | Mayor's Local Law Hearing |
May | 5/23/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/23/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/23/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/23/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
May | 5/23/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/11/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 2 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/10/2023 | Committee Agenda Day 1 | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/25/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
April | 4/25/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/25/2023 | ARQA | ARQA |
April | 4/25/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/25/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/25/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/13/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/12/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/21/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
March | 3/21/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
March | 3/21/2023 | ARQA | ARQA |
March | 3/21/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/21/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/21/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
March | 3/9/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/8/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/21/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/21/2023 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
February | 2/21/2023 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
February | 2/21/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
February | 2/21/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
February | 2/21/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/9/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/8/2023 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/6/2023 | Mayor's Hearing | Proposed Local Laws |
January | 1/24/2023 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/24/2023 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/24/2023 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/24/2023 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/20/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/20/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/20/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/20/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/22/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/15/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/15/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/15/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
November | 11/15/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/3/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/18/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/18/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/18/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/18/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
October | 10/18/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
September | 9/20/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/20/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/20/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/20/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/20/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/16/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/16/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/16/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/11/2022 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/19/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/19/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
July | 7/19/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/19/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/14/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/14/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/14/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
June | 6/14/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/14/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/9/2022 | Committee Agenda | Committee Agenda |
May | 5/19/2022 | Special Meeting Agenda | Special Meeting Agenda |
May | 5/19/2022 | Statements of Necessity | Statements of Necessity |
May | 5/19/2022 | Minutes | Special Meeting Minutes |
May | 5/19/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/16/2022 | Special Meeting Agenda | Special Meeting Agenda |
May | 5/16/2022 | special meeting agenda | special meeting agenda |
May | 5/16/2022 | Minutes | Special Meeting Minutes |
May | 5/10/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/10/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
May | 5/10/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/10/2022 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/10/2022 | Additional Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
May | 5/10/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/10/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/5/2022 | Minutes | Special Meeting Minutes |
May | 5/5/2022 | Minutes | Special Meeting Minutes |
May | 5/5/2022 | Special Meeting Agenda | Special Meeting Agenda |
May | 5/5/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Item |
May | 5/5/2022 | Certified Resolution | Certified Resolution |
May | 5/5/2022 | Council Agenda | Agenda for Special Meeting |
May | 5/5/2022 | Committee Agenda | Committee Agenda |
May | 5/5/2022 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/12/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/12/2022 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/12/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
April | 4/12/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/7/2022 | Committee Agenda | Committee Agenda |
April | 4/7/2022 | Committee Agenda | Committee Agenda |
March | 3/15/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/15/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/15/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
March | 3/10/2022 | Committee Agenda | Item |
March | 3/3/2022 | Agenda Review Q & A | ARQA |
February | 2/15/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
February | 2/15/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
February | 2/15/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/18/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/18/2022 | Local Law | Local Law Hearing 1/18/22 |
January | 1/18/2022 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/18/2022 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/3/2022 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/14/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/14/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/14/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/9/2021 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/9/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/9/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/9/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/9/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/12/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/12/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/12/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/12/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/14/2021 | Worksheet | Item |
September | 9/14/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Item |
September | 9/14/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/9/2021 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/17/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/17/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/17/2021 | Worksheet | |
August | 8/17/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/20/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
July | 7/20/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
July | 7/20/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/20/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/15/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/15/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/15/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/15/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/11/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/11/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
May | 5/11/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/11/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/6/2021 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/13/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/13/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/13/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/13/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/29/2021 | Minutes | Item |
March | 3/29/2021 | Special Mtg Agenda | Item |
March | 3/16/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/16/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/16/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/16/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
March | 3/11/2021 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/16/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/16/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/16/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
February | 2/16/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/19/2021 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/19/2021 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/19/2021 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/19/2021 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/15/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/15/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/15/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/15/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/10/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/10/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/10/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/10/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/10/2020 | Proposed Legislation | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/13/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/13/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/13/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/13/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/24/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/24/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/24/2020 | Minutes | September 24, 2020 Special Mtg. Minutes |
September | 9/18/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Special Mtg Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/18/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/18/2020 | Minutes | September 18, 2020 Special Mtg. Minutes |
September | 9/15/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/15/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/15/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/18/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/18/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/18/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/18/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/21/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/21/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
July | 7/21/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/21/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/16/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/16/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/16/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/16/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
May | 5/12/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/12/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/12/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/12/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/14/2020 | Proposed Legislation | Additional Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/14/2020 | Proposed Legislation | Proposed Legislation |
April | 4/14/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/14/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
April | 4/14/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
April | 4/14/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/9/2020 | Committee Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/17/2020 | Council Agenda | Council Agenda |
March | 3/17/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/17/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/17/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
February | 2/18/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
February | 2/18/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/18/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/18/2020 | Worksheet | Item |
January | 1/21/2020 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/21/2020 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/21/2020 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/21/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/2/2020 | Certified Ordinance | Certified Ordinances |
January | 1/2/2020 | Minutes | Jan 2, 2020 Org Mtg Minutes |
January | 1/2/2020 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/17/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
December | 12/17/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/17/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/17/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/12/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
November | 11/12/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
November | 11/12/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/12/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
November | 11/12/2019 | Legislation | Legislation for December 2, 2019 Mayor'sPublic Hearing |
October | 10/15/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
October | 10/15/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/15/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
October | 10/15/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/30/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/30/2019 | Certified Resolutions | Certified Resolutions |
September | 9/30/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/17/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
September | 9/17/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
September | 9/17/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
September | 9/17/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/20/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
August | 8/20/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
August | 8/20/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
August | 8/20/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/23/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
July | 7/23/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
July | 7/23/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
July | 7/23/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
June | 6/18/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
June | 6/18/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
June | 6/18/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/21/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
May | 5/21/2019 | Worksheet | May 21, 2019 Worksheet |
May | 5/21/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
May | 5/21/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/30/2019 | Special Meeting Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
April | 4/30/2019 | Special Mtg. Certified Resolution | Certified Resolution |
April | 4/16/2019 | Worksheet | |
April | 4/16/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Certified Ordinances |
April | 4/16/2019 | Council Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/19/2019 | Certified Ordinances | March 2019 Certified Ordinances |
March | 3/19/2019 | March Proposed Legislation | March 19, 2019 Proposed Legislation |
March | 3/19/2019 | Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/19/2019 | Worksheet | March 19, 2019 Worksheet |
March | 3/19/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/19/2019 | Council Review of Legislation | February 7, 2019 Public Hearing Questions and Answers |
February | 2/19/2019 | Council Review of Legislation | February 7, 2019 Committee Meeting Questions and Answers |
February | 2/19/2019 | Committee Agenda | February 7, 2019 Committee Agenda |
February | 2/19/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
February | 2/19/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Ordinances |
February | 2/19/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/15/2019 | Council Agenda | AgendaforMonthlyMeeting |
January | 1/15/2019 | Certified Ordinances | Ordinances |
January | 1/15/2019 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
January | 1/15/2019 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
December | 12/18/2018 | Certified Ordinances | Ordinances |
December | 12/18/2018 | Worksheet | Worksheet |
December | 12/18/2018 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
March | 3/20/2018 | Council Review of Legislation | Item |
September | 9/18/2017 | Minutes | MinutesFromMonthlyMeeting |
Annual Proceedings of City Council
Chronological records of actions on resolutions, local laws, and ordinances considered by the City Council. They record all the ayes, nayes, and abstentions entered into the record by Councilmembers. Each volume, including a comprehensive subject index at the end of the book, is published in paper copy and also placed on the Internet, generally a few months after the end of each calendar.