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Rochester Housing Stability Fund

Mission Statement

The Rochester Housing Stability Fund (RHSF) is a Housing Trust Fund designed to create inclusive opportunities for residents, stakeholders, and the Rochester community. The RHSF will work to improve housing stability by preventing displacement, promoting racial and economic equity, and supporting residents' abilities to achieve their own housing goals. 

Current Events

Rochester Housing Stability Fund’s next monthly meeting will be held Monday, July 22, 2024, at 5:15 PM in City Hall, 30 Church Street, Room 008A, Rochester, New York, 14614. 

For anyone who would like to join virtually, see below for the meeting URL: 

What is a Housing Trust Fund (HTF)? 

HTFs are reserves of money set aside to support the preservation and production of affordable housing. They also increase opportunities for families and individuals to improve their housing stability in ways they feel are best for them. Housing Trust Funds typically have significant community control and allow more flexibility than many existing state and federal funds. 

The RHSF is interested in increasing housing stability consistent with the strategies and policies put forth by City government and community members. The Housing Stability Fund and its Board are guided by core principles that ground the organization’s mission and work. They are: 

  • Be Proactive | Learn from people closest to the issues. Create solutions that will launch quickly.   
  • Increase Housing Stability | Support the ability of households to find/remain in the home of their choice by reducing the conditions that lead to forced and pressured moves.   
  • Provide Flexible Support | The RHSF will support flexible programs to meet people where they are at – possibly trying to avoid a serious housing crisis or perhaps just needing a hand-up to get to the next level.   
  • Close Gaps in Coverage | Provide resources to households who might otherwise struggle to qualify for or access existing housing assistance.

The RHSF was created by building on community input and collaboration to make sure its programs work for people the way they need it the most. Continued community participation will keep the Board fresh and proactive as they work to meet changing needs and priorities of Rochester's residents.

Rochester Housing Stability Fund Board Membership and Executive Management

Information regarding Board Membership and Executive Management will be posted following RSHFC’s first meeting. 

Public Meeting Schedule, Agenda, and Minutes

Monthly meetings are held at 5:15PM; dates and locations will be announced in advance above.  


Standing committees include Governance, Audit, and Finance. Additional information will be posted shortly.

Reports and Resolutions 

There are no reports available to view. 

RHSF Policies

Updated policies will be posted upon ratification.