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Kite Flight invites you to soar every spring

Check back on this page soon for information about Kite Flight '25 this May!

Kite Flight 2024kite_flight_banner_4424

Get an early start on beach season

The annual Kite Flight brings Rochesterians young and old together on the shores of Lake Ontario to celebrate the art of kite flying. This year’s Kite Flight will be held on Sunday, May 5 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Ontario Beach Park.

Expert kite flyers will show-off their unique colorful creations and amaze the crowd with their skills, and the public will have ample chances to fly too. Recreation on the Move, the City’s mobile recreation center, will be on hand throughout the day, and City Recreation staff will provide free, kite-building workshops for youth 12 and under.

In addition, strolling performers and performers from Roc City Circus, will entertain the whole family at this colorful free and festive event! 

The Charlotte Community Association’s expert chefs will be grilling hots and selling them and other treats, along with kite kits, to support their community work.

2024 schedule of events

12 p.m.Children’s Free Kite Making Workshops and Contest
12 p.m. Expert kite flying demonstrations and coaching
1 p.m.     Public Kite Flying
2 p.m.     Jugglers and Acrobats from Roc City Circcus
12 p.m. to 4 p.m.Rec on the Move van with activities for kids

Kite Flight is sponsored by Wegmans and presented by the Ontario Beach Park Program Committee with support from Monroe County, the Charlotte Community Association and the City of Rochester.