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Inner Loop East - Documents

This page is about the Inner Loop East Transformation Project, which was completed in 2017. For information about the Inner Loop North Transformation Project, please visit

Preferred Design Alternative 

Final Design Approval Document

Draft Design Approval Document 

Fiscal Year 2013 TIGER Discretionary Grant


Inner Loop Scoping Study (2011)

Chapters and appendices from the September 2011 scoping study are below. 

Chapter1: Project Scope 
Chapter 2: Project Context 
Chapter 3: Alternatives 
Chapter 4: Social, Economic, & 
Environmental Concerns and Considerations
Appendix A:Go-no-go Traffic Assessment  Appendix D: Main Street Alternatives Appendix G: Endangered Species 
Appendix B: Safety ConsiderationsAppendix E: Minimum Lane Requirements Appendix H: Probable Cost and Benefit Assessment 
Appendix C: I-490 Ramp Evaluation Appendix F: Hazardous Waste  

Inner Loop Improvement Study (2001)