Inner Loop East - Documents
This page is about the Inner Loop East Transformation Project, which was completed in 2017. For information about the Inner Loop North Transformation Project, please visit
Preferred Design Alternative
Final Design Approval Document
- Final Design Report - Vol 1
- Final Design Report - Vol 2
- Final Design Report - Vol 3
- Final Design Report - Vol 4
Draft Design Approval Document
- Draft Design Report - Vol 1
- Draft Design Report - Vol 2
- Draft Design Report - Vol 3a
- Draft Design Report - Vol 3b
Fiscal Year 2013 TIGER Discretionary Grant
- Grant Application - High Res (19MB)
- Grant Application - Low Res (6MB)
- Benefit Cost Analysis & Real Estate Market Analysis
- Benefit Cost Analysis Excel Worksheets
- Detailed Project Budget
- Detailed Project Schedule - Preliminary Design
- Detailed Project Schedule - Final Design
- Genesee Transportation Council (local metropolitan planning agency) Assurance Letter
- New York State DEC Beneficial Use Determination (BUD)
- Accident Study
- Preliminary Design Alignment
Inner Loop Scoping Study (2011)
Chapters and appendices from the September 2011 scoping study are below.