Sweeper Trax

Get the latest info on street sweeping using SweeperTrax!

SweeperTrax is a web-based map that is active during late spring, summer and early fall when street sweepers are in use. The web-based map is updated daily at the end of each day to show the progress of street sweepers.

Have questions about street sweeping in the City of Rochester? LEARN MORE> 

Go to SweeperTrax 



  • Date the street was last swept
  • Click or tap on the map to zoom in and move the map on the screen
  • Click on the street to see when it was swept
  • Enter a street address to zoom to a specific address

SweeperTrax is a tool for residents, drivers, and City staff. Department of Environmental Services managers use this information to make adjustments to sweeping routes and respond to inquiries from customers. Customer service agents in the 311 call center are able to provide callers with better information than ever before.