News Release – City of Rochester Declares April as Native Plant Month

City of Rochester 

News Release

(Wednesday, April 24, 2024) – Mayor Malik D. Evans, joined by City officials and members of the Rochester Garden Club, proclaimed April as Native Plant Month with the ceremonial planting of a Sugar Maple at the First Street Park. The event aims to raise awareness of the importance of native plants in supporting the diversity of flora and fauna in our region and a healthy ecosystem overall.

“Native plants, indigenous to our region, play a critical role in the well-being of our environment,” shared Mayor Evans. “The tree planting and proclamation are more than a moment in time. Today we made a commitment to protect our natural environment and made a gift to future generations who will sit beneath its shade.”

In addition to planting native species when able and supporting organizations like the Rochester Garden Club that promote the conservation and protection of indigenous flora, residents are encouraged to read the recently released draft of the Urban Forest Master Plan update and attend one of the many upcoming events to gather input on the plan and celebrate the city’s rich tapestry of trees.

For more information on the City of Rochester’s Forestry Division and Urban Forest Master Plan Update, visit


The Administration of Mayor Malik D. Evans
strives to create a safe, equitable and prosperous Rochester by inspiring hope and delivering opportunity for everyone. Guided by the Administration’s Mission, Vision and Values and the principles of the “Rochester 2034” comprehensive plan, City employees are committed to providing exceptional customer service, transparent stewardship, and collaborative leadership to foster a vibrant community that empowers personal, professional and generational growth for all who live, work or play in the city of Rochester.