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Reach Inside and Strive for Excellence (RISE)

Comprehensive Adolescent and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs (CAPP)

RISE is a collaboration of community service agencies working together to reduce teen pregnancies and reduce STD/HIV rates among youth within the City of Rochester. The RISE program is part of the New York State Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention initiative and led by the Department of Recreation & Human Services. To participate in a club or group register online through R-Central and become an R-Center member.

RISE initiatives

Sexual Health Curriculum

Making Proud Choices!

Is an Evidence-Based, Safer-Sex Approach to Teen Pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention. It provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV and unintended pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex. This curriculum has 8 (1 hour) sessions that can be delivered in various ways to fit your program needs.

Be Proud! Be Responsible! 

This Evidence Based curriculum provides adolescents with the knowledge, and skills to change behaviors in ways to reduce their risk of contracting HIV. Although not pregnancy prevention oriented, much of the condom skills taught will also help participants avoid unintended pregnancy and STDs. This curriculum is 6 (1 hour) sessions that can be delivered in various ways to fit your program needs.

Parent/Adult Education: 

Family Talk is for adults who connect with children and youth, to desire to gain knowledge and learn strategies to navigate conversations about sex and sexuality, anatomy, healthy relationships, substance use, and HIV with the youth in their lives.

This training is provided at no cost for all participants. The 4 hour program can be offered in 1-2 hour sessions, and can be tailored to fit the needs of your program, staff Professional Development requirements, and parent groups.

SOAR Youth Leadership: 

The SOAR youth leadership team works to reduce the rates of STI's and unplanned pregnancy in the City of Rochester. SOAR youth leaders build leadership skills, plan community events, receive training, advise adult committees, while advocating for youth rights and services.

SOAR is ONLINE! Follow us at:
Instagram: @roc.riseonline
YouTube: RISEonline   

SOAR Nutrition Education

SOAR Nutrition Education series is an awesome program dedicated to educating youth and families about overall health, nutrition and the importance of physical activity. Nutrition education topics include: reading and understanding nutrition labels, eating more whole grain, and mindful sugar consumption. Youth participants create easy kid friendly recipes to eat and share with their families. This program has 3 (1 hour) workshops that can be delivered in a variety of ways to fit your program needs.

The Vibez Club

This weekly club serves youth age 10-13 by providing positive youth development at R-Centers and community based agencies. The goal of the Vibez Club is to support and enhance youth’s social-emotional development and delay onset sexual activity through medically accurate and age appropriate curriculum. Vibez Club facilitators host once a week sessions at individual sites where youth will participate in fun engaging fun activities such as STEM, Drama, Media, etc.    

Partner Agencies 

Metro Council for Teen Potential  
431 Jay St
Rochester NY 14611
Phone: (585) 445-6777

Society for Protection and Care of Children
148 South Fitzhugh Street
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 325-6101

YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County
175 North Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-5820

Youth Sexual Health Resources 


Department of Recreation & Human Services at 428-6755