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Upcoming Meetings

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List of meetings

January 08
6 - 9 p.m.

This seven-member citizen board reviews applications for Certificates of Appropriateness required for alterations to landmarks and properties located in the City’s eight preservation districts.

City Council Chambers Room 302-A 30 Church Street Rochester, NY 14614 United States

Meeting resources

Rochester Preservation Board
January 08
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Public Information Meeting for the Water Bureau’s 2023-3C Lead Service Line Replacement Project

Rochester Water Bureau Water Bureau 10 Felix St Rochester, NY 14608 United States

Meeting resources

January 09
10 - 11:30 a.m.

Neighborhood president's meeting with NSC Director.

Meeting resources

Neighborhood Presidents
January 14
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

The Board of Ethics is a seven-member board established by Section 2-18 of the City Charter and appointed by the City Council. The board renders written advisory opinions to City officers and employees with respect to the City’s Code of Ethics and Article 18 of the General Municipal Law.

Meeting resources

Board of Ethics
January 16
3 - 4 p.m.

Rochester Land Bank Corporation – Monthly Board Meeting

NBD Commissioner's Conference Room 30 Church St. Room 223B Rochester, NY 14614 United States

Meeting resources

Rochester Land Bank Corporation
January 23
2 - 5 p.m.

This five-member commission is responsible for the administration of the Civil Service Law, and prescribes rules and implements them by classifying employment positions, establishing list of eligible job applicants and hearing appeals.

City Hall Room 008-A 30 Church St. Room 008-A Rochester, NY 14614 United States

Meeting resources

Civil Service Commission
January 27
5 - 6:30 p.m.

Meeting of the Monroe County Library System (MCLS) Board of Trustees.

Board Room, Rundel Memorial Building, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Third Floor 115 South Ave Rochester, NY 14604 United States

Meeting resources

Monroe County Library System Board
January 27
6 - 9 p.m.

This seven-member citizen commission has jurisdiction and authority in the issuance of Special Permits, subdivision approvals, and a wide range of other matters. The Planning Commission also makes recommendations to City Council regarding Zoning Text and Map amendments.

Commissioners Conference Room (NBD) City Hall, Room 223B 30 Church Street Rochester, NY 14614 United States

Meeting resources

City Planning Commission
January 29
9 - 10:30 a.m.

Meeting of the Rochester Public Library Board of Trustees.

Kusler-Cox Auditorium, Rundel Memorial Building, Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County Third Floor 115 South Ave Rochester, NY 14604 United States

Meeting resources

Rochester Public Library Board
January 30
6 - 9 p.m.

This seven-member citizen board hears requests for Variances to the City’s Zoning Code, and Administrative Appeals of decisions made by the Manager of Zoning.

Commissioners Conference Room (NBD) City Hall, Room 223B 30 Church Street Rochester, NY 14614 United States

Meeting resources

Zoning Board of Appeals