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City of Rochester Media Credentials

The City of Rochester has a standing policy that defines the circumstances under which still photography and video or audio recording may take place within facilities owned and controlled by the City of Rochester. 

A City of Rochester Media Pass serves as proof of express permission for the pass holder to:

Utilize video and audio recording when engaging with City of Rochester representatives at emergency, spot, or breaking news events and non-emergency public events at City facilities, and conduct interviews at these events as City spokespersons are available.

Attend City-sponsored events at City facilities that are open to members of the media, and utilize video and audio recording to cover these events.

Conduct and record individual interviews with City of Rochester subject-matter experts at City facilities while accompanied by a member of the Bureau of Communications & Special Events.

A member of the City of Rochester’s Communications Bureau, Mayor’s Office, Law Department, Rochester Police Department, or Rochester Fire Department may deny entry or expel a Media Pass holder from an event or area due to space limitations, safety concerns, evidence preservation concerns, or lack of adherence to City policies.

Media Pass Eligibility 

To be eligible to receive a City of Rochester Media Pass, a member of the press or newsgathering organization must submit 6 or more articles, commentaries, books, photographs, videos, films, or audios published, broadcast, or cablecast within the 12 months immediately preceding the Media Pass application, sufficient to show that the following events, occurring on separate days, were covered, in person, in the City of Rochester:

  • Emergency, spot, or breaking news events, or public events of a non-emergency nature where police or fire lines, or other restrictions, limitations, or barriers established by the City of Rochester have been set up for security or crowd control purposes.
  • Events sponsored by the City of Rochester that are open to members of the media.

"Member of the press" means an individual who gathers and reports the news, by publishing, broadcasting, or cablecasting articles, commentaries, books, photographs, video, film, or audio by electronic, print, or digital media, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, wires, books, and the Internet. A member of the press includes an employee of a newsgathering organization and a self-employed newsperson.

"Newsgathering organization" means an organization or entity that gathers and reports the news by publishing, broadcasting, or cablecasting articles, commentaries, books, photographs, video, film, or audio by electronic, print, or digital media, such as radio, television, newspapers, magazines, wire, books, and the Internet.

NOTE: Applications can be made by a Newsgathering Organization on behalf of an employee. The employer shall represent that the employee on whose behalf an application for a media credential is made is a reporter, editor, writer, photographer, producer or broadcaster of spot news.

Submit a City of Rochester Media Pass application