Special Event Funding Application (SEFA)
To create a more efficient and transparent process, the Bureau of Communications & Special Events launched the Special Events Funding Application (SEFA) process.
SEFA will be utilized by eligible events that wish to apply for special event funding.
The City's fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Submission of a SEFA application is not a guarantee of City funding or support.
Applications for events taking place in fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026) are due via email to Kara Osipovitch by February 3, 2025 at noon. In addition to the application, make sure you have filled out the online summary form by that date as well.
Event Eligibility
Though it is within the City's sole discretion to determine eligibility, the following parameters are usually applied:
Eligible Events (must meet each criteria below):
- Events that take place between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. Events held outside the funding year cannot apply. No exceptions.
- Events that are open to and of interest to the public, and serve at least 2,000 people.
- Events that are free or feature a free or low-cost component ($20 or less).
- Events that are located in the City of Rochester on city-owned property like parks, streets, and sidewalks.
- Events that utilize both private and City property must meet the minimum attendance requirements and the free or low-cost requirement on City property.
- Events are organized by an entity with legal standing. No fiduciaries can be used. Entities MUST be able to provide general liability insurance, proof of worker’s compensation & disability insurance (or an NYS waiver).
- To ensure you are eligible to apply, please check your organization's standing with the New York State Department of State.
Ineligible Events:
- Parades
- Moving athletic events (walks, runs, bike rides) charge an entry fee
- Block parties
- Events on private property
- Trade shows, conventions, conferences, workshops, etc.
- Indoor ticketed concerts, shows, theaters, theatrical performances, exhibits, sports events, etc., including events at the Blue Cross Arena or Rochester Riverside Convention Center
- Annual luncheons, conferences, holiday parties, etc.
- Class or family reunions
- Sports tournaments, school or athletic leagues, etc.
- First-year events (unless they are occurring for a unique one-time purpose i.e. a celebration for a historic reason)
Fill out and email No. 1 and No. 2 of the following forms to the Special Events team. Complete No. 3 online.
Final Report Form
To receive final payments on SEFA funding, download the final report form, and don't forget to attach cleared checks that total the City's investment.