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What’s Good Rochester

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Rochester’s Social Media Program

What’s Good Rochester is the City of Rochester’s social media partnership with WXXI Public Broadcasting Council in a fresh, one-of-a-kind opportunity that redefines how Rochester’s stories are told.

What’s Good Rochester replaces the longstanding “CityWise” TV pro-gram and its talk show format with an ongoing compilation of entertaining, engaging and informative short-form photo and video essays that highlights positive, topical and interesting aspects of Rochester.

What’s Good Rochester welcomes submissions of community-created videos and photos to compliment its first party content. Submissions can range from life skills, to community heroes, to unique businesses and dining experiences to recreation, culture, arts, history and, really, any-thing that exemplifies and embodies the character of our great city.

It’s the perfect opportunity for filmmakers, journalists, organizations, and anyone passionate about Rochester with a creative eye or knack for storytelling to get their work out there and noticed by sharing the many wonderfully-rich stories of Rochester.

Professional production is welcome but not necessary.

Apply now

Use our on-line Contributing Partner Application Form to become a partner with What's Good Rochester

Apply here

More information

If you are interested in becoming a Contributing Partner or have any questions about What’s Good Rochester, please contact Supervising Producer Carlet Cleare at (585) 428-7428 or

  • Post Your Own Content to be Shared Anyone can post their video and photo stories to their own social media accounts using the hashtag #whatsgoodrochester, and the City will share your work with its thousands of viewers across all of its social media platforms!
  • Become an Official What’s Good Rochester Contributing Partner Content creators can apply to become an on-going partner. Contributing partners receive benefits including: prime placement of work on the City’s What’s Good Rochester YouTube channel and its social and traditional media outlets; branding tools; and a dedicated sub channel, if applicable. Successful applicants need to demonstrate technical and storytelling abilities, the capacity to contribute content on a semi-regular basis and the equipment to execute quality content. Follow this link to apply as a What’s Good Rochester Contributing Partner.  

Our focus is to tell engaging stories so we’ll accept content of varying quality as long as your story is strong and meets our eligibility criteria. The criteria are pretty simple. Content must relate to Rochester, its citizens, businesses, events, history, amenities or even its challenges. Con-tent will be accepted from individuals and organizations provided it is not an outright advertisement. We want to know what makes you special and give you the opportunity to tell others about it so that we can convey the true character of Rochester.

A good example might be a food-oriented business producing a video that demonstrates healthy eating preparation or an individual using his or her cell phone to capture everyday moments around the city. Of course, the content cannot be offensive, profane or violent.

Q: When and how do I submit content?
A: Submissions are fluid. Once a Contributing Partner’s video/photo es-say is complete, they can submit the clip(s) through a ShareFile link provided by What’s Good Rochester.
Q: What’s the recommended video and photo essay length? 
A: Photo and video essays should be no longer three minutes in length with or without narration. Video footage can be professionally produced or shot with a smartphone (only if it's in landscape). It is the Contributing Partner’s responsibility to capture and edit photos and video clip(s) and insert What’s Good Rochester branding tools provided by the City.
Q: Where will my work be seen?
A: Accepted submissions will be reviewed by the City, and will be posted across the City’s social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a designated What’s Good Rochester YouTube channel. Bodies of work will also be showcased on WXXI Television and City 12, the City of Rochester’s government access channel.
Q: How many clips can someone submit? 
A: Interested parties are welcome to contribute as many stories as they’d like!
Q: Does the subject always have to be positive?
A: No. However, the piece should present a solution or positive outcome for a perceived negative issue. For example, the piece could feature homelessness in Rochester but should address how the community is working to solve the problem or at minimum, propose solutions.
Q: Are advertisements eligible?
A: No. However, What’s Good Rochester is dedicated to promoting locally-owned businesses within the city. Informative, journalistic stories about the mission, inner workings or the people working within a business or organization are welcome.
Q: May I place my business logo on my work?
A: Yes, however, it should be embedded on the lower right corner of the video.
Q: Is there a recommended file format?
A: Submissions should be in an MP4 video file format.