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Rochester's Environmental Job (REJob 3.0) Training Program

The City of Rochester's Environmental Job Training Program (REJob 3.0) is a highly successful program assists dislocated workers and unemployed individuals obtain sustainable, long-term employment in the general construction and environmental remediation fields. To date, 100% of ReJob candidates have graduated from the program and received environmental remediation careers upon completion of the training program.

What is the REJob 3.0 Training Program?

The REJob 3.0 Training Program is a comprehensive, multi-partner effort designed to lead to sustainable, long-term environmental employment and to make sure citizens who reside in the city of Rochester share in the economic benefits derived from Brownfields redevelopment. The REJob 3.0 program specifically targets dislocated workers; severely underemployed individuals; and unemployed individuals including low-income and minority residents, veterans, and those with little or no advanced education. The primary goal of the REJob 3.0 program is to train disadvantaged individuals and place them in stable jobs in the environmental construction industry.

The program provides life skills and remedial education training to foster self-sufficiency in addition to training certifications needed for careers in the environmental engineering and hazardous waste site cleanup and general construction fields.  

REJob 3.0 is a non-paid training program. Tuition is free for students accepted into the REJob 3.0 Training Program. The REJob 3.0 program will provide training and active career placement assistance for up to 30 individuals over the next year with an overall goal of being able to provide each participant the necessary skills to secure full-time employment in the environmental construction fields.

The content of the training has been designed based on substantial input from local environmental employers, the City’s Environmental Workforce Advisory Board, and other communities that have successful environmental job training programs. Successful applicants will have access to the multi-stakeholder partnerships that the REJob 3.0 program has formed with neighborhood organizations, government agencies, social service providers and environmental engineering employers.  

How do I apply for REJob 3.0?


  • Residents of the city of Rochester (check your address here)
  • 21 years of age or older
  • Have a high school diploma/GED
  • Have valid NYS driver’s license
  • Own a registered and insured vehicle for employment training
  • Able to pass multiple drug tests
  • Dedicated to 8 weeks of training

Please check back to see when the next application period will occur.

How is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency supporting the REJob 3.0 Training Program?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has awarded the City of Rochester a Brownfields Job Training Grant to establish the REJob 3.0 training program.

The USEPA is providing connections to national collaborations and peer networks involved in environmental job training and construction-based employment.

The USEPA Brownfields Job Training program also helps identify careers and skills training information, job-matching tools and other resources to help support the growth, adoption, and creation of environmental employment placement across the United States.

The USEPA encourages collaborative partnerships to restore neighborhoods back to safe and healthy environments. 

Public Town Hall meeting dates will be held at the following times and locations:

Date    TimeLocation                           
February 13th, 20254-6 p.m.Lyell Branch Library, 956 Lyell Ave
February 14th, 20253-5 p.m.Phyllis Wheatley Community Library, 33 Dr. Samuel McCree Way
February 18th, 20255-7 p.m.Arnett Branch Library, 310 Arnett Blvd
February 20th, 20254-6 p.m.Rochester Community Sports Complex, 460 Oak St