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State-owned streets and highways

Streets in the city

The City of Rochester, Department of Environmental Services, is responsible for construction, maintenance, and service to city streets. Both the State of New York and County of Monroe provide some financial assistance to the City for improvements to major city streets. These improvement projects are generally administered by the City, but may be administered by the state or county.

Highways that pass through the city

In most instances, the New York State Department of Transportation is responsible for construction, maintenance, and service to  highways that pass through the City of Rochester. The following state highways pass through the City of Rochester:

  • Interstate 490
  • Interstate 590
  • Inner Loop
  • West Ridge Road (NY 104)
  • Lake Avenue (Lyell Ave. to Ridge Road)
  • Expressway Ramps
  • Lake Ontario State Parkway
  • Keeler Street Expressway (NY 104)
  • Mount Read Boulevard
  • Bridges over Expressways 

There are some cases when the City takes maintenance-type responsibilities for state highways: 

Service responsibility

Where the City provides this service
Street LightingWest Ridge Road, Mt. Read Boulevard (Buffalo Rd to Lyell Av), Lake Avenue, Plymouth Avenue, and bridges over expressways*
Snow & Ice ControlLake Avenue, Plymouth Avenue, and bridges over expressways
Street SweepingLake Avenue, Plymouth Avenue, and bridges over expressways
Pothole RepairOn bridges over expressways

*Monroe County Department of Transportation provides lighting on all other state highways

Who to call for street services

Street Maintenance/Pothole Repair (City of Rochester): 311* 
Snow & Ice Control (City of Rochester): 311 
Street Sweeping (City of Rochester): 311 
Street Lighting on City Streets (City of Rochester): 311 
Street Lighting on State Highways (County of Monroe): 585-753-7750 
Traffic Signals (County of Monroe): 585-753-7760 
Traffic Signs on City Streets (County of Monroe): 585-753-7750     
Traffic Signs on State Highways (State of New York): 585-272-3300 

Potholes on State Highways (State of New York): 1-800-POTHOLE (1-800-768-4653)
State Highways (State of New York): 585-272-3300 

*Outside city limits, call 585-428-5990

Click here to view the online 311 portal