What we do

With a focus on customer service, efficiency, and excellence, the Bureau of Architecture and Engineering (A&E) serves as the steward of the city's infrastructure. The Bureau collaborates with community representatives, utilities, business owners, and other city departments on public improvement projects. The Bureau uses in-house resources and manages consultants and contractors to perform design and construction services in the public realm related to streetscapes, street lighting, trails, bridges, and City-owned buildings.
Holly E. Barrett, P.E. City Engineer
Bureau organization
Acts as the central support for the City Engineer and the rest of the Bureau. It provides financial oversight of projects and coordinates the budgetary planning and Capital Improvement Program. Transportation planners are also housed in this division.
Responsible for the safety, integrity and utility of City-owned facilities. Division staff implements renovation, rehabilitation and repair projects that best extend the useful life of these facilities; meeting the needs of residents and employees in adherence of sound safety, budgetary and historic preservation parameters.
Tasked with the design of various unique projects like trails, park enhancements and signage, playgrounds and spray parks. They also produce design plans for special projects that often require multiple streets and stakeholders.
Responsible for maintaining the integrity of the City's bridges and garages. Most projects are designed by consultants while smaller projects and structural review of other division’s projects are performed in-house.
Maintains the street inventory and coordinates all street improvements throughout the City. Some projects are designed in-house while others are performed by consultants chosen by this division.
Inspects all projects to ensure work is performed according to specifications. Inspectors from this division are on-site at street projects to monitor progress and quality of work.
Is the keeper of the official City map. All deeds and property transfers are recorded and subdivision requests are reviewed here. The division assigns street numbers to buildings, performs surveys, and maintains a record of all City survey monuments.
Issues permits for all construction that will take place in the public right-of-way. Any utility that constructs on City property needs a permit from this office. Inspectors from the office monitor all sites for adherence to their planned work and when necessary, issue notices and orders in the case of code violations.
Maintains street lights within the City. This division coordinates pole replacement and lighting changes. Street Lighting works closely with the Street Construction Division in order to coincide lighting upgrades and street improvement projects.
Apprenticeship Utilization Program
The City requires contractors and sub-contractors to have Apprenticeship Programs and agreements in place for most City funded construction projects.