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Street Utility Infrastructure Analysis

Tenants of the Public Right-of-Way (“ROW”) are responsible for properly maintaining their infrastructure. 

Tenants of the ROW are responsible for properly maintaining their infrastructure at a level that meets the appropriate structural standard. The City has adopted the Policy for Utility Appurtenances within the Public Right-of-Way, which requires all entities with infrastructure facilities in the ROW to perform a field survey of those facilities in order to minimize deficiencies and the capital costs associated with prematurely reconstructing roadways. This policy can be found in Appendix B of the City’s Rules and Regulations for Work in the Right-of-Way. All entities with underground infrastructure facilities are required on a continual basis to survey the condition of each structure located within the City’s Public ROW and perform maintenance repairs.  Maintenance repairs will be performed as needed to keep the appurtenance and surrounding pavement in good condition.  The analysis report shall include all structures located in the streets, sidewalks, and tree lawn areas. 

The City of Rochester accepts street utility infrastructure analysis reports through Collector for ArcGIS. 

To standardize the required inspection fields as defined in the policy and offer a streamlined data collection and reporting process, the City of Rochester is providing a field inspection application through Collector for ArcGIS (“Collector”). Collector allows inspectors to use a smartphone or tablet to complete inspections and instantly share the report with the City’s Right-of-Way Permit Office. Collector works on both Android and iOS operating system. Access to the Collector application can be provided upon request. 

The street utility infrastructure analysis supports the goals of the Rochester 2034 Comprehensive Plan.  

Streets are more than simply a venue to move vehicles: a city’s streets are usually its largest landholding, and it is important that they are functional and well-maintained. The Street Utility Infrastructure Analysis aligns with the goals of the Rochester 2034 Comprehensive Plan, which not only seeks to improve the function and appearance of the City’s assets, but also seeks to integrate “Smart City” best practices into its current methods. Read more about the Rochester 2034 Comprehensive Plan here.

Are you a utility agency interested in utilizing Collector for ArcGIS for your street utility infrastructure analysis?  

For information on how to use Collector for ArcGIS, please see the following documentation: 

City of Rochester June 6, 2019 Collector for ArcGIS Training Presentation