Public Market Gift Tokens

The City of Rochester Public Market is pleased to offer Market Gift Tokens--these are our version of the gift certificate! These wooden Gift Tokens never expire and can be used to purchase a wide variety of food items from dozens of vendors at the Market. The Gift Token Program is managed by the Friends of the Rochester Public Market.
Download the Market Gift Token Brochure
Each token is valued at $5.00, and can be redeemed with dozens of food vendors and also at some cafes, food stands, and restaurants at the Market. Gift Tokens can be used for:
* Fruits and vegetables
* Meats, poultry and fish
* Baked goods
* Honey and maple products
* Cheese and yogurt
* Pasta and pierogies
* Spices, herbs and extracts
* Olive oil
* Nuts
Gift Tokens can be purchased at the Market Token Center (the small white building behind the Market Office building) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Note: we recommend asking vendors before selecting products if they accept Market Gift Tokens!
Also note: Market Gift Tokens are different than tokens used for the Market Token Program for SNAP recipients:

If you'd like to arrange for a purchase/pickup of Market Gift Tokens, get in touch at 585-428-7292 or email
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