Rochester's Pets for Life Program

Pets for Life is our main outreach program. Created and supported by the Humane Society of the United States, the program builds humane communities
using innovative strategies and fresh approaches designed to extend the reach of animal services, resources, and information to under-served areas. Addressing the critical need for accessible, affordable pet care, our program helps animals by empowering the people who care for them.
The Rochester Pets for Life (PFL) program began in February 2018 and is focused on neighborhoods within 14605 as one of the City’s zip codes with the highest percentage of people living in poverty. These focus areas were identified through a community assessment that showed they were low-income, under-served areas with a high concentration of pets and people who love them. People in these areas often do not have access to pet care information, resources, or veterinary and related services, despite an often great need. There are no pet supply stores in this area. There are no veterinarians, boarding facilities, or any other pet-related services.
PFL provides ongoing neighborhood outreach, plans community-wide events, and offers free or very low-cost services such as spay/neuter surgeries and wellness care. We strive for partnerships with animal welfare organizations and other important community leaders and service providers, including faith-based entities, social service programs, health care agencies, and local businesses.

PFL is based on the fundamental understanding that where there is human suffering, there is animal suffering. To respond effectively to this, we must reach
out to an audience that has the least access to information about animal wellness. Building trustful relationships with people and their pets, making information and resources affordable and easy to access, and establishing an ongoing presence in areas where people conduct their lives are all critical to having a real impact. Experience has shown us that when we extend our compassion to humans as well as other animals and extend resources where needed, we can create long-term and meaningful social change.
For more information, visit the Pets For Life website or email
To support Rochester's Pets For Life program: make a donation