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2023 Residential Curb Ramp Replacement Project

General Project Description

This project replaces 140 sidewalk access ramps compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Public Right of Way Access Guidelines (PROWAG), at residential street corners and T-intersections where they did not exist in the the Beechwood Neighborhood. 

This project builds on the City’s goal to provide accessibility to all users of city streets by installing sidewalk access ramps . Approximately 140 curbed access ramps (a.k.a. curb ramps) will be installed The work is consistent with the goals set forth in the City’s Complete Streets Policy that was adopted in 2011 and the Comprehensive Access and Mobility Plan (CAMP), a component of the Rochester 2034: Comprehensive Plan.

Upon completion of the work described above, the streets will be restored with a chip seal treatment scheduled for 2024.


Project Location

The Beechwood Neighborhood was the targeted location for this project due to a high concentration of street corners without sidewalk access ramps.


This project was substantially completed in 2023