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City Hall Permeable Parking Lot

About permeable pavement

Permeable pavement, also referred to as pervious or porous, allows rainfall to flow through the pavement surface and into the ground, reducing storm water runoff from a site into the sewer system. Dependent on soil and subsurface conditions, permeable pavements can be used for roads, parking lots, sidewalks, basketball and tennis courts, playgrounds, and plaza surfaces.

Permeable pavement includes pervious asphalt and concrete, as well as pervious pavers, such as reinforced turf, tiles and grass pavers.

About the City Hall parking lot project

The rear employee parking lot at City Hall had reached the end of the material’s life cycle. The new parking lot was designed to reduce overall maintenance and reduce storm water runoff to the combined storm/sanitary sewer system. 

The new parking lot utilizes permeable asphalt. Due to frequent and heavy use of this lot, permeable pavement is used in the parking spaces with heavy-duty pavement in the drive aisles.

The City was awarded a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) grant to fund 85% of the construction and project administration costs. The project provides for other public and private building owners a demonstration of construction and potential system benefits.


If you'd like additional information about this project, please contact Anne Spaulding in the Office of Energy & Sustainability at 428-7474 or email her.