We need your help
If you know anything about any criminal activity, call Crime Stoppers at 585-423-9300. No one will ask your name and you may earn a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest. You will not be required to testify and you will not be identified. Remember, YOU can make a difference!
What is Crime Stoppers?
Crime Stoppers is a non-profit program that relies on cooperation among local Police Departments, the news media and citizens of Monroe County. Crime Stoppers encourages people to call the hotline with information to solve any crime that has already been committed or crimes that are about to occur. Rewards are available to callers if the information they provide results in a criminal arrest. Visit the Crime Stoppers website for more information.
How does Crime Stoppers work?
The Crime Stoppers tip line is staffed by trained police personnel who receive, process and disseminate tip information to investigating officers. Callers are given a code number, which is used in all subsequent calls. Callers do not need to identify themselves.
A cash reward is offered to anyone providing information that leads to an arrest for a crime. Rewards may also be given for information leading to the recovery of stolen property, seizure of illegal drugs or an arrest on an outstanding court warrant.
Who runs the Crime Stoppers program?
Crime Stoppers is governed and administered by a volunteer Board of Directors, comprised of a group of local businesses and people concerned with the overall safety of our community. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit corporation responsible for raising funds and disbursing rewards. The Board of Directors closely cooperates with various local police departments and the media.
What does it cost? How is the Crime Stoppers program funded?
Crime Stoppers is very cost-effective and is a community project supported by donations of money, goods and services. Contributions from individuals, private sources, corporations, clubs, professional associations, retailers, civic and social groups keeps the Crime Stoppers program operating. All donations to Crime Stoppers are tax-deductible.
Crime Stoppers airs on 13 WHAM News and Rochester CW, and features the "Crime of the Week" and wanted felons from the Greater Rochester area. Crime Stoppers also publishes a wanted felony fugitives flyer six times a year in the Democrat and Chronicle newspaper. The most current flyer can be viewed on the Crime Stoppers website under the "Fugitive Flyer" tab. This list can also be viewed on Spectrum Cable, Channel 111, On-Demand.
Reporting a Tip
You can remain anonymous and your assistance may lead to a reward. There are a couple of ways you can report a tip:
Call 585-423-9300
Submit a Web-Tip through the Public-Police-Private Sector "P3" app or Crime Stoppers website under the "Web Tips" tab.