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RPD: Waterway Watch Program

Additional Eyes and Ears on America's Waterways

The Rochester Police Department (RPD) supports participation in America's Waterway Watch Program, which encourages private boaters to be vigilant for suspicious activity on America's Waterways, particularly suspected terrorist activity.

An important component of the program involves knowing what to look for, where to look, and what to do upon observing suspicious activity.

What to look for

Suspicious activities can include:

  • People appearing to be engaged in surveillance of any kind.
  • People attempting to buy or rent fishing or recreational vessels with cash for short-term, undefined uses.
  • Unusual night operations.

Where to look

Sensitive locations include:

Under and around bridges, tunnels or overpasses.

  • Near industrial facilities, such as power plants and oil, chemical or water intake facilities.
  • Near military bases and vessels, other government facilities or security zones.

What to do

  • Secure and lock your boat when not aboard.
  • Disable the engine on stored or trailer boats.
  • Do not approach or challenge anyone acting suspiciously. Call the National Response Center at (800) 424 -8802 or (877) 24-WATCH or 911.

Remember these are just a few of the things to be aware of. More information about the Waterway Watch program can be located on the American Waterway Watch home page.