Oktoberfest at the Public Market
Saturday, September 19
5:00 - 10:00 p.m.

A new annual event in the Market's special event lineup (2025 is the third year),Oktoberfest is a shout-out to the German autumn advent tradition of food, beer, live music, cultural performances, games, and more.
While Oktoberfest may be more of an adult celebration in most places, at the Market we emphasize family-friendliness — so while brews are certainly part of our Oktoberfest, there is much more fun available for the whole family!
Oktoberfest is a collaboration of the Public Market and Rohrbach's Brewing Company, a prominent presence in the Market Business District and well versed in German beer and revelry traditions!
For more information about Oktoberfest at the Market, vending opportunities, etc., contact pmarket@cityofrochester.gov or call 585-428-7282.