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Rochester Environmental Commission (REC)

This seven-member citizen advisory board reviews projects that are Type 1 Actions under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and require City approval and/or funding. The REC provides recommendations on a project's potential impacts on the environment. It is important to note that SEQRA considers both the natural (land, water, air, wildlife, etc.) and human-made (archeological and historic resources, community character, etc.) environment.  

The REC also acts as the hearing body when an environmental impact statement (EIS) is prepared for a project. After the environmental impact statement process, they recommend whether the proposal should be approved, approved with modifications, or denied. Lastly, the REC is the appeals body for the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area permitting process.

Current Board Members

  • Rosemary Jonientz, Chair
  • Katherine Powers, Vice Chair  
  • Robert Schellinger
  • Elizabeth Primus
  • Carlos Perez
  • Mia Morgillo
  • Vacancy

Meeting schedule

Date: Monthly on the first Monday
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: City Hall, NBD Commissioner's Conference Room, 30 Church St. Rm. 223-B Rochester, NY 14614

 2024 Meetings  

Meeting DatesAgendasMinutes
January 17, 2024Agenda     N/A (public hearing only)
February 5, 2024     AgendaMinutes
March 4, 2024AgendaMinutes
April 1, 2024AgendaMinutes 
May 6, 2024AgendaMinutes 
May 13, 2024Agenda     Canceled
June 3, 2024Agenda Minutes
July 1, 2024AgendaCanceled
August 5, 2024AgendaCanceled
September 9, 2024 AgendaMinutes
October 7, 2024AgendaMinutes
November 4, 2024AgendaMinutes
December 2, 2024 AgendaMinutes

Prior Year Agendas and Minutes 

2023Agendas     Minutes
2021AgendasYouTube Meeting Recording - June 6, 2021
YouTube Meeting Recording - December 9, 2021


If you are interested in applying for a position on the Commission, please contact Josanne Reaves in the Mayor’s Office either by email at: or by phone at: 585-428-6140.