City Hall Atrium Permits for Wedding Photography
The Rochester City Hall Atrium is a true architectural masterpiece. Each year, thousands of visitors come to tour Rochester City Hall and are left inspired by its architecture. The three-story high hall is surrounded by walls of symmetrical arches and ornate Tennessee marble columns, decorated with hand-carved capitals, that support each arch.

Cast iron "Liberty" goddesses wearing eagle talon necklaces stand watch between the arches on the lower floor of the Atrium. The figures symbolize America. On the second level, lions cast in plaster take the place of the "Liberty" goddesses. The third floor sports a collection of plaster Neptune heads that oversee the entire Atrium. On sunny days, streaks of bright sunlight cast into the Atrium through the glass ceiling. An Atrium fountain was designed to repeat the arch theme that if found throughout the building.
To explore more of the Rochester City Hall check out our City Hall Photo Tour.
Authorized Use of the City Hall Atrium
- Special occasion photography on Saturdays
Unauthorized Uses of the City Hall Atrium
- The City no longer issues permits for the Atrium to organizations or individuals for any other purpose, including but not limited to: receptions, luncheons, ceremonies, recognitions, parties, third party press conferences, or other events .
- We encourage you to instead utilize other City indoor spaces that can accommodate events of this nature, like the Stardust Ballroom.
How to Apply for Special Occasion Photography in the Atrium on Saturdays
- The City Hall Atrium is available for wedding or special occasion photography only on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- The atrium must be booked at least four weeks in advance of the photography.
- To see if the date you'd like is available, send an email to the Bureau of Communications and Special Events.
- If your date is available, you will be sent an Atrium Application to fill out.
- The cost of using the atrium for photography on Saturdays is $130 ($40 application fee, $90 security fee). This is a non-refundable fee. You can pay via check or online. The application process and reservation of the atrium will not begin until the application and $40 processing fee are received.
- To reduce scheduling conflicts, only one wedding is scheduled per day.
- City Hall cannot be used for actual wedding ceremonies or receptions on Saturdays. Photos only.
Before you get married, visit City Clerk's Office in City Hall for your marriage license! The City Clerk can also perform your wedding ceremony on-site during business hours (Mon. to Fri., 9 to 5 p.m.).