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City Hall's Link Gallery

Now Showing: L’Art de l’Amitié

Artwork by Joël David from Rochester’s Sister City, Rennes, France. On display April 4-26


Twelve sister cities link Rochester to cities around the world — starting with Rennes, France in 1958. For more than 65 years, our two cities have shared the best of both our communities with one another — our students, sports, food, artwork, and innovation. Most important of all, we’ve shared a friendship.

Explore the artwork of Joël David, a citizen of Rennes, France who has grown to love Rochester, NY. Joël is an active member of the Rennes-Rochester Sister Cities Committee in Rennes.

The artwork descriptions are in three languages – English, French, and Breton. Breton is a traditional Celtic language from the region of Brittany, France, where Rennes is located. In English, the region is known as “Brittany”, in French—"Bretagne,” and in Breton—" Breizh.”

Learn more about the International Sister Cities of Rochester

To contact the artist, email Joël David at  


Celebrating Rochester's Art  

The City of Rochester values the visual arts as an educational and aesthetic experience. More importantly, the City sees local art as part of the culture of this region. With this in mind, the Link Gallery, established in 1981, promotes the art and art culture of the area.

The Gallery, located at 30 Church St., is on the first floor of City Hall in the corridor that connects Building A to Building B. It is open Monday - Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free, handicapped accessible, and open to the public, the Link is easy to get to from anywhere in the City.

Annual showcases include The Hispanic Heritage Month exhibition and The Black History Month exhibition.


RCSD X Link Gallery at City Hall

The City of Rochester partners with the Rochester City School District to house a year-round, permanent exhibit space for student artwork on the ground floor of City Hall. Annual showcases in the new RCSD X Link Gallery at City Hall include the winners of the district’s annual calendar competition.