West River Wall Segment 2

Project Background

This West River Wall project is located along the west bank of the Genesee River from the University of Rochester campus north to Ford Street. The total project length is 4,200 linear feet. An existing river wall bounds the project along the riverfront, but a majority of the wall is failing and as a result the adjacent area is prone to floodwater damage.
Development of this began in 1866 when the Vacuum Oil Company was founded by Matthew Ewing and Hiram Bond Everest. The site was used as a commercial refinery to distill kerosene and lubrication oil. In 1879, Vacuum Oil became a division of Standard Oil. Numerous name changes of the parent company led to ownership by ExxonMobil most recently. The site, excluding the 5 & 15 Flint Street parcels, has since been acquired by the City of Rochester, with an intention to rehabilitate the existing parkland into modern parkland and neighboring development sites.

Project Objectives
This project is part of two larger initiatives: Roc the Riverway and Vacuum Oil Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA). Roc the Riverway Vision Plan, published by the City in 2018, identified this area as “Restore the Shore”. Objectives presented in the RTR Vision Plan include: providing linkages to adjacent PLEX neighborhood, bolster the Genesee Riverway Trail experience, address brownfield sites, and restore the shoreline to more natural and appealing public spaces.
The Vacuum Oil BOA study was a decade-long process that sought to establish a framework and Master Plan of future activities and development in the 148 Acre BOA Area. The VOBOA planning process concluded in 2019 after 40+ stakeholder meetings, 10 public meetings and design workshops, 14 project advisory committee meetings, and 1 PLEX-specific design charrette. A Master Plan for the area incorporated this public input and was published in 2019.
The City has begun Final Design of the West River Wall Segment 2 Project.
Click here to view an updated and modernized rendering of the project area
Public Engagement
The City held a Public Meeting on Wednesday, November 6th in the Lightfoot R-Center Gymnasium.
Click here to view the slides from the meeting
Comments on the proposed improvements may be submitted to the project manager listed below, up to two weeks after the meeting, Wednesday, November 20th.
Click here to provide feedback
Minutes for Public Meeting, including question and comment responses, will be posted below
Projected Schedule
- 2018-2021: Preliminary design
- Fall 2023-Summer 2025: Final designs & public meetings
- Fall 2025: Publicly bid
- 2026-2028: Construction
Project funding and attributions
Design and construction documents for the West River Wall Segment 2 project are prepared with funds provided by the City of Rochester and NYS Department of State. A portion of this project is being funded with a grant under Title 11 of the New York State Environmental Protection Fund Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.