About The Parking and Municipal Code Violations Bureau
Residents and visitors are on the move in Rochester; living, working, studying, vacationing and otherwise enjoying Rochester's history, diversity and opportunity. Most of them drive cars, trucks or motorcycles to get to their destinations.
The City's Bureau of Parking is committed to providing a positive experience for everyone who parks his or her vehicle in a City garage or lot or on city streets. We rely on knowledgeable staff who maintain our parking venues, answer questions about parking issues, enforce the traffic code, ensure fair hearings when concerns about parking tickets arise, and maintain the technology that helps keep vehicles parking and moving safely.
If you have questions about the Parking Bureau and its various functions, you can call and speak with a customer service representative, or you can send an e-mail. Provide contact information, and we will respond within twenty-four hours, either to provide assistance or to connect you with someone who can assist you.
Mobile device parking app
Rochester residents and visitors are encouraged to download the mobile app Flowbird to make payments at City parking meters and select pay stations using their mobile device.
Rochester Bureau of Parking
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Last payment: 4:15 p.m. Clearance until 3:45 p.m.
Visit Rochester Traffic Violations Agency
The City of Rochester's Traffic Violations Agency (RTVA) adjudicates infractions of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law that were incurred in the City of Rochester. The RTVA assists the Rochester City Court in administering and disposing of certain traffic infractions. Most traffic infractions may be handled by the RTVA, while some specific traffic infractions will be handled in Rochester City Court.