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Lead Hazard Reduction Program

Each year, hundreds of children in our area are tested and found to have elevated blood lead levels. They will suffer lifetime effects of lead poisoning, including impaired physical development, lower educational performance, attention problems, and aggressive or even violent behavior.

Lead paint is likely to exist in any home built before 1978. We have more than 57,000 children living in greater Rochester that need our help to ensure that lead hazards in the home are identified and controlled. This effort begins with you.

Government, non-profit and neighborhood organizations are achieving measurable success in their lead poisoning education and outreach efforts. The City's lead law is the best way to ensure that lead hazards are identified and resources are targeted where they are needed most.

The City of Rochester wants you to be informed, prepared and safe. Learn about our lead law, the ways to prevent lead poisoning and the resources available in our community by using this website. Apply for the City Lead Program, which provides federal and City dollars to make your property lead-safe.