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OPI Audits

The Office of Public Integrity (OPI) routinely conducts unannounced Internal Audits of City programs and activities to gauge effectiveness, efficiency and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and provisions of funding sources (grants).

Below is a list of all Office of Professional Integrity (OPI) audits completed since Aug. 31, 2006. Each audit consists of the four following parts: executive summary; background, objectives and scope; results of review; and department response. An audit typically involves an eight-step process that begins with a notification letter to the subject of the audit and ends with the final report.

By their nature, audit reports focus on problems and the need for improvements rather than areas of strength. As such they should not infer a lack of value or positive attributes in the management of the programs and activities that have been audited. These audits and their public availability on this website reflect the City of Rochester's commitment to efficient and effective government through transparency and accountability.

The Office of Public Integrity was established under Mayor Duffy. Its mission is to enhance public confidence in City government by providing a means to address and investigate reports of fraud, corruption, waste, and abuse. The office also has responsibility for implementation of the City’s Code of Ethics