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Park Planning (Edgerton Park, Lightfoot R-Center, La Grange Park) Final Design Presentation Public Meeting

Thursday, October 10, 2024
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Meeting Info

Meeting Details

The City is conducting master planning services for three City-owned properties containing parkland and recreational facilities. The sites have future planned physical improvements, and the work at each site will be guided by a master plan. The final designs focus on enhancing the usability, functionality, safety and accessibility of the three parks for all users. Schematic designs were presented to the public in May 2024, and public comments have been incorporated into each project where practicable. 
Agenda: The meeting will include a presentation to review the proposed final designs for Edgerton Park, Lightfoot R-Center, and La Grange Park. The presentation will be followed by open house discussion where attendees can discuss the proposed plans (if attending in-person) or provide comments via online survey (if attending virtually). 
Please plan to attend this important meeting online or in-person. To attend the Zoom Online Meeting, please type in the link listed above on your web browser or go to and enter the Meeting ID provided above. We kindly ask that you plan to connect to the meeting 5 to 10 minutes early at which time you may be placed in a waiting room until the meeting begins. If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage to view the presentation and graphics depicting the planned improvements at: Comments on the proposed improvements may be submitted to the project manager listed below up to two weeks after the meeting (Thursday, October 24, 2024). 
If you require special arrangements for the meeting (translators, wheelchair accessibility, etc.) or further information on this meeting, contact project manager Ellen Micali Soffa, R.L.A. by telephone at 428-3692 or email at 

https://cityofrochester.zoom. us/j/837 45334237

Meeting ID: 837 4533 4237

Passcode: 947882

Telephone for Audio Conference: (Toll Free) 888-788-0099 or 833-548-0276