Rochester Consolidated Plan meeting (virtual)
The five-year Consolidated Plan identifies priority needs and goals to inform the City’s use of four HUD grant programs.
The five-year Consolidated Plan identifies priority needs and goals to inform the City’s use of four HUD grant programs.
The five-year Consolidated Plan identifies priority needs and goals to inform the City’s use of four HUD grant programs.
The public is encouraged to drop in any time to share thoughts on goals related to future land use, open space, appearance, and mobility improvements for the Inner Loop North project area. There will be an informal 15-minute presentation at 6:15 p.m. focusing on the project's goals, progress to date, and...
Join us for an informal and interactive open house focused on the Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study.
The City of Rochester is entering the planning phase for improvements to the Highland Reservoir. Residents can learn more about the project and provide their input to City officials at 6 p.m., Tuesday October 29, 2024, at the Olmsted Lodge in Highland Park, 171 Reservoir Ave.
Please join us for a virtual public meeting to provide input and inform Rochester's first-ever Community Food System Plan.
Please join us for an in-person public meeting to provide input and inform Rochester's first ever Community Food System Plan.
The public informational meeting for Edgerton Park, Lightfoot R-Center, and LaGrange Park will include a presentation to review the proposed final designs for Edgerton Park, Lightfoot R-Center, and La Grange Park. The presentation will be followed by open house discussion where attendees can discuss the proposed...
Aqueduct Reimagined Project Update and Tour
Aqueduct Reimagined Project Update and Tour