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Aug 19, 2024

Substantial amendments to the 2017-18 Annual Action Plan

The Welcome to Rochester sign over N. Clinton in Downtown Rochester.

In accordance with the federal regulations at 24 CFR § 91.320, and the City of Rochester’s Citizen Participation Plan, the City is in the process of substantially amending an Annual Action Plan document that guides its use of funds for the 2017-18 program year from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development and Planning Program. 

The Consolidated Planning process is a requirement for direct financial assistance under certain HUD formula grant programs including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs, the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program, and the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. 

Proposed Amendment – The City is proposing to amend the 2017-18 Annual Action Plan as follows:

  • Project #7: Original Content
    • Project Name: Demolition-Commercial/Industrial
    • Description: Demolition of privately owned large vacant industrial/commercial buildings.
  • Project #7: Amended Content
    • Project Name: Demolition 
    • Description: Demolition of privately owned large vacant industrial/commercial building as well as 1-4 unit residential buildings.

Amendment Rationale:

The amendment is being proposed to facilitate timely spending of the grant funds before they expire at end of September 2024. There are currently no eligible industrial/commercial demolitions in the City’s demo pipeline that would comply with the original scope of the project. The scope is being expanded to 1-4 unit residential buildings for which there is a large pipeline of eligible properties.

Solicitation of Public Input:

The City is encouraging members of the public to provide input in response to the proposed substantial amendment. In particular, the City is interested in receiving input from low and moderate income individuals, as they are meant to be the primary beneficiaries of HUD’s formula grant programs. The City is providing the opportunity to provide feedback in writing as well as at a public hearing on Thursday, Sep. 19.

Written comments can be submitted via:

30-Day Public Display and Comment Period:

Copies of the draft substantial amendment to the 2017-18 Annual Action Plan will be available for download or printing by request at the following locations on or by August 19, for the required 30-day public display and comment period:

  • City Hall: 30 Church St. (Rm. 224-B);
  • Northeast Neighborhood Service Center: 500 Norton Street;
  • Northwest Neighborhood Service Center: 400 Dewey Ave;
  • Southwest Neighborhood Service Center: 923 Genesee Street;
  • Southeast Neighborhood Service Center: 320 N Goodman Street; and,
  • City of Rochester website:

Written comments will be accepted by the City during the public display and comment period. The City will consider comments received during the public display and comment period in preparing the final amended Annual Action Plans. A summary of these comments, and a summary of comments not accepted and the reasons why, will be attached to the final amended plan for formal action by City Council and submission to HUD. Written comments must be received no later than 7pm on Thursday, September 19 to be included in the finalized documents for final City Council approval. 

Written comments can be submitted via:

Public Hearing: The public hearing, which will be overseen by City Council, will take place at 6pm on Thursday, September 19, 2024, prior to formal action by City Council on September 24, 2024. Information on how to participate can be found here: 

The Public Hearing can be viewed live at:

City Council Action and Submission to HUD: The City anticipates bringing the substantial amendment to City Council for formal Action on Tuesday September 24, 2024.