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City’s Housing Quality Task Force expands focus to homeownership

After two years of meaningful work to address the needs of renters and landlords in Rochester, Mayor Malik D. Evans today asked the Housing Quality Task Force to create partnerships, enhance City programs, and align efforts with state, county, and partner organizations to increase homeownership opportunities and better support existing homeowners. 

Historical Walking Tour - Douglass, Anthony, & Beyond: Activism and Social Justice in Rochester

This walking tour focuses on Rochester’s rich history of social justice activism. While the tour discusses sites related to the city’s most famous agitators, Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony, it also delves into various other forms of local activism as expressed by the labor movement, the anti-draft movement, the Gay Rights movement, and others. Meet on the north side of the Rundel Memorial Building for this 1.1. mile tour.

In case of inclement weather, the tour may be canceled.

Registration is requested but not required.

June Thursday Thinkers series to focus on trauma, crisis response in recognition of PTSD awareness

In recognition of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, this month’s Thursday Thinkers discussion will feature presentations on aspects of trauma moderated by the Alia Henton-Williams, manager of City’s Crisis Intervention Services Unit, which includes the Person in Crisis Team.

Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County

The Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County consists of two buildings, the Rundel Memorial Library building, which opened in 1936, and the Bausch & Lomb Public Library Building, which opened in 1997. Located in the heart of Downtown Rochester, NY, at 115 South Avenue, the library offers the residents of the City and County a large collection of books, (both print and electronic) magazines, music, movies and more.