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Person in Crisis Team

PIC Dashboard  

The below dashboard displays data from the City of Rochester's Person in Crisis (PIC) team on a monthly basis. The information shows the number of calls the PIC teams responds to, what time those calls are occurring, how they are referred, how the response is handled, where the calls are coming from by zip code, what is the basis or need for the call, demographic data, outcomes and more.

Civics Property Management Portal


The City of Rochester implemented the new Infor software system in May 2023 to enhance the management of Code Enforcement, Trade Licensing, Permitting, and other key processes. Additional city functions are planned to transition into this software in the coming years. 

The software includes a new public-facing online portal called Civics which provides a suite of self-service functions to help property owners and managers better manage their portfolios and interaction with the City. 

Civics currently includes the following functions:

Rochester Bike Week

The cycling season in Rochester continues with Bike Week 2024, spanning two consecutive weekends, from May 10 to 19, and offering cycling events for all ages and skill levels. The purpose is to celebrate biking in the Rochester area and expand the use of bikes as practical, daily transportation. Bike Week welcomes new riders and demonstrates the great community and infrastructure available to cyclists in Rochester.

Be the Change. Keep the Change.

The City of Rochester Launches Pilot Program to Address Panhandling

Like cities across America, Rochester has seen an increase in consistent and aggressive panhandling. These behaviors negatively impact people who work, live and visit downtown, as well as businesses that want to attract customers to their brick-and-mortar stores.

The City of Rochester is committed to exploring innovative solutions to this challenge, and “Be The Change. Keep The Change.” is one of them.