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Harbor Management Plan

With financial and technical support from the NYS Department of State, the City of Rochester, with the stakeholders in the Harbor, such as regulatory agencies, waterfront property owners, neighborhood associations, marina/business operators, prepared a Harbor Management Plan.

Graffiti Removal

The Defacer Eraser

 An employee removes graffiti

The "Defacer Eraser" program removes graffiti from City-owned structures in the right-of-way like litter receptacles, benches, and trees. See below for where to call for removal from non-City structures like traffic signs and mailboxes. 

Food Trucks

On June 1, 2013, the City of Rochester's first-ever Food Truck Pilot Program launched Downtown. This page is a resource for vendors interested in participating in the program and food truck/trailer/cart vendors looking for licensing information and policies on vending in the city.

What type of license do I need to operate a food truck/trailer/cart?

You will need a solicitor's license to vend at approved locations within the city.

RPD: Professional Standards Section (PSS)

The Professional Standards Section is commanded by Lieutenant Jason Barton. The Professional Standards Section (PSS) is responsible for receiving, processing and investigating complaints made against Rochester police officers and non-sworn employees of police action or misconduct in a thorough, yet objective manner. PSS conducts civil claim investigations for the City's Corporation Counsel, the administrative review of fleet vehicle accident investigations and other investigations as directed by the Chief of Police. 

Zoning Variances

What is a Zoning Variance?

A Zoning Variance is an authorization granted under law by the Zoning Board of Appeals, waiving a requirement of the zoning code. Essentially, a Variance acts as an 'exception' to the zoning regulations, which can only be granted when specific standards or criteria are met. There are 2 types of Variance Applications: Use Variances and Area Variances.