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 Important alert for MWBE vendors

The City of Rochester has been made aware of phishing emails targeting our MWBE vendors, falsely claiming to represent the City. This has happened in the past, and these emails often request sensitive information or payments and may appear legitimate given their use of our name or logos.

If you believe you have received a phishing email, do not reply, click on links, or download attachments. If you have any questions, please reach out to your City contact. If you have opened or downloaded a suspicious email, you are encouraged to contact your service provider.

City of Rochester

Bureau of Purchasing

New York State Registry

Public work contractor and subcontractor registry

Effective January 1, 2025, all companies bidding or contracting to do business in New York State must register in the "New" Contractor Registry (button below), if their work involves any trades covered by Article 8 of the New York State Labor Law (which establishes New York’s Prevailing Wage). Click here to download Article 8 of the New York State Labor Law.

This requirement applies to maintenance work, new or other major construction, subcontractors, owner-operators, and other sole proprietorships.

This requirement applies to public work covered by Article 8 Prevailing Wage statewide. 

Please note that this requirement will apply to all contracts with bids received on January 1, 2025 and after. It will also apply to all new subcontractors added to existing contracts.

Getty Images of contractors working.

About the Bureau of Purchasing

The Purchasing Bureau within the Department of Finance is charged with the timely and efficient procurement of quality goods and services at the lowest cost for the City's departments and agencies. The Bureau is also responsible for disposing of surplus property.

The Bureau of Purchasing is now open to the public Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bid specifications can be picked up, and bids can be dropped off directly at the Purchasing, Room 105-A. Bid openings will still be held via Zoom video conference until further notice.

The Purchasing Bureau is located in room 105-A of City Hall (30 Church St) in Downtown Rochester, on the corner of Church and Fitzhugh Streets. You can get to Fitzhugh Street by taking the Plymouth Avenue exit from 490 to Church Street. When traveling west from Syracuse, turn left at Plymouth Avenue. When traveling east from Buffalo, turn right at Plymouth Avenue. Downtown parking is available at several locations near City Hall.




Bureau of Purchasing Contact

Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (except for holidays)

BidNet Direct

The City of Rochester now participates in the Empire State Purchasing Group using BidNet Direct as its electronic bidding service. All new City bids will be posted and available only on the BidNet website. From the BidNet site, vendors will be able to:

  • Register to view all City bids for free, or for a small annual fee, and receive e-mail notifications of City bids.
  • View and download all bid documents and addenda at no cost. 
  • Find bid results and contract award information
  • Submit bids electronically for most City bids (excluding public works bids). 

BidNet also offers vendors the option to receive email notifications of any upcoming City bids. 

More information on BidNet

BidNet vendor registration instruction

The Purchasing Bureau within the Department of Finance is charged with the timely and efficient procurement of quality goods and services at the lowest cost for the City's departments and agencies. The Bureau is also responsible for disposing of surplus property.

Current bid offerings

City bids are posted and made available whenever a new City bid or addendum is issued.   

 City bids advertised may be viewed and downloaded from BidNet

Bid advertisements are also published in The Daily Record (Rochester) and posted in the Bureau of Purchasing, City Hall, Room 105-A.

Bid specifications for standard goods and services contracts with the City may be downloaded from BidNet at no charge. Copies of these bid specifications may also be obtained from the Bureau of Purchasing, City Hall, Room 105-A, 30 Church Street, Rochester, NY 14614, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on Holidays.

Bid documents for public works contracts are now available on BidNet for free download. They may still be viewed or purchased in hard copy from the Bureau of Purchasing or the following contract service companies:

Builders Exchange 
180 Linden Oaks, Ste 100       
Rochester, NY 14625 
Phone: (585) 586-5460
320 N Goodman St, Ste 200 
Rochester, NY 14607 
Phone: (585) 271-5730

 Any addendum issued for a City of Rochester Invitation to Bid will be posted to BidNet. 

How to ...

Surplus Sales and Auctions

The Bureau of Purchasing sells used and obsolete City equipment through public auctions. 

Learn more: Surplus sales and auctions

Rochester Schools Modernization Program (RSMP)

To view bids related to the Rochester Schools Modernization Program (RSMP), click the following button:

Learn more: RSMP

Incentive program for public works contracts

The City of Rochester will provide an incentive program for hiring City residents residing in certain City zip codes for public works contracts for which the final contract price is an amount of $50,000 or more.  

Learn more: Incentive program

More about purchasing


For more information about doing business with the City, call 585-428-7041 or email