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Spring Activities

R-Signature Programs

These foundational programs are offered at every R-Center to keep youth physically active, mentally engaged and emotionally
supported in the presence of caring adults.


R-Stars Afterschool: An open recreation program in the afterschool hours that provides children ages 6 to 12 a fun and nurturing
environment in the presence of caring adults. Youth participate in a variety of recreational activities that keep them moving, engaged and supported. Dinner is provided.

R-Teens: An open recreation program in the afterschool hours geared towards the interests
of teens and young adults, ages 13 to 18. Activities include sport and fitness, dance and
step, gaming, socializing with friends, field trips, special events and more!

Young People Advancing Forward: A youth development group that helps youth improve life skills through educational workshops, service learning, field trips, and more. To see the specific age for participants at each R-Center, visit their R-Center page.

Youth Voice One Vision: A program for youth of all ages that promotes self-advocacy and team building by offering opportunities to plan and participate in social events and engage in the democratic process to influence and implement R-Center programs and activities. Each R-Center YVOV Committee elects representatives to the Citywide YVOV Executive Committee, which serves as Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee.

For complete listing of programs and activities download the Spring R-Guide below.

2025 Spring R-Guide