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Alternate Test Date Policy

Assembled Examinations

Assembled examinations include exams such as written and agility tests, where candidates are scheduled to appear in person to participate.


  1. Requests for alternate test dates due to non-emergency situations must be submitted to the Examination Administration section of Human Resource Management no later than ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled date of the written exam. The request shall contain a complete explanation of the reason the candidate cannot take the examination as scheduled and be supported by appropriate documentation, if available.
  2. For emergency situations, the candidate must notify the Examination Administration section of Human Resource Management of the need for an alternate test date no later than two work days following the scheduled written exam date.
  3. For performance components of an examination (agility, typing, oral), for which there is less than fifteen (15) days advance, notification of required participation, requests and supporting documentation, if available, must be submitted no later than fifteen (15) days from the date notification is sent to participants.

Returning to Work
Any employee of the City of Rochester or of the Rochester Housing Authority approved in advance for an alternate test date must not report for work until the examination for the alternate test date has been administered. Every effort will be taken to test the employee expeditiously.

Response to Requests
The Examination Administration Section of Human Resource Management will notify candidates of the decision made on their request, and provide approved candidates the date, time and location of an alternate administration. Where applicable, candidates will also be advised of the restriction on returning to work described above.



Alternate Test Dates shall be provided for the following situations:

  1. Candidates unable to attend a test because of religious observance or military duty shall be permitted to take tests on another date designated by the exam administration section.
  2. When necessary to accommodate special testing arrangements, a candidate with a disability shall be scheduled to take a test on another date, as arranged by the Exam Administration section.

For Open-Competitive and Promotional Examinations only, alternate test dates may be granted for the following circumstances:

  1. Death in the immediate family or household within the week preceding an examination.
  2. Being a member of a traditional, religious or civil ceremonial party, such as a wedding, baptism, bar mitzvah or graduation; or a member of the immediate family or household to the individual for whom the ceremony is being held.
  3. Having a conflicting professional or educational examination. Professional examinations would include Certified Public Accountant, Bar Examination (lawyers), etc. Educational exams would include SAT, College Boards, and Graduate Records.
  4. Vacations for which non-refundable down payments were made before the examination announcement was issued.
  5. Required court appearance.
  6. Medical emergencies involving a hospital confinement or certification from a physician that the candidate is unable to appear for the examination due to a specific medical problem of the candidate or member of the immediate family or household.
  7. Emergency weather conditions, verified by the local public safety agency, that lead to the closing of specific roads, highways or independent transportation services which prevented a candidate from reaching the test center.
  8. Other circumstances which may warrant alternate test dates will be considered on an individual case basis.

Continuous Recruitment Examinations  

For continuous recruitment examinations or other examinations scheduled for frequent administration, requesters shall be granted alternate test dates for the following circumstances:

  1. Candidates unable to attend a test because of religious observance or military duty shall be permitted to take tests on another date designated by the Exam Administration section.
  2. When necessary to accommodate special testing arrangements, a candidate with a disability shall be scheduled to take tests on another date, as arranged by the Exam Administration section.

Requests for alternate test dates for other reasons shall be denied.

Applicants denied an alternate written test date will be included for consideration in the next administration of the examination. Any application fee paid will be applied to the next administration. Notifications to candidates will include an option for the candidate to withdraw from the examination and receive a refund of the application fee.

Candidates who are successful in the written test who are subsequently notified that they have been selected to participate in a post-written exam performance component, such as agilities or other non-secure components of the exam, but cannot participate on the scheduled test date must submit a written request and supporting documentation, if available, within fifteen (15) days from the date of notification. If approved, candidates will be allowed to participate in a future exam. The date of participation will be determined by Examination Administration staff. The candidate will not be granted an alternate date if “not prepared” to participate.

Please note that there will be no extension of eligibility on the Civil Service list if a candidate participates in an exam component at a later time.


Alternate test dates will not be provided for the following situations:

  1. Multiple civil service tests scheduled for the same date is not grounds for granting an alternate test date. The candidate needs to fill out the Cross Filer form. Employment Forms 
  2. No candidate who began a written test on a scheduled test date and failed to complete it due to illness or an emergency cannot be allowed back on another date to complete the exam.

Unassembled Examinations

Unassembled Examinations include exams such as evaluations of training & experience and portfolio reviews, where candidates are provided a response deadline to submit completed examination materials.

Candidates who experience emergency situations which affect their ability to complete a questionnaire or submit examination materials by the established return deadline date must notify the Examination Administration section of Human Resource Management, in writing, of the circumstances that prevent them from meeting the deadline. Extensions may be granted for emergency situations that involve major illnesses/injuries or life and death situations. Other events will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Extensions will be granted only because of extraordinary and unpredictable events.