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City Council: Police Accountability Board survey

City Council recently surveyed hundreds of Rochester residents to gauge their thoughts on, understanding of, and ideas around the City’s Police Accountability Board (PAB). 

Conducted in late March, April, and early May, 2023, the survey served as a way for residents across the city to have their voices heard on issues relevant to the PAB, and garnered responses ranging from in-depth ideas on how to improve the Board to thoughts on how the City can better communicate the PAB’s purpose. 

Survey results 

See a report detailing the results of City Council’s PAB survey below, alongside raw data from the survey and a synopsis of notes taken during public engagement meetings regarding the survey. 

What is the PAB?

The Police Accountability Board is a nine-member citizen board tasked with overseeing the conduct of the Rochester Police Department. The Board members serve in a voluntary capacity, while the agency's day-to-day operations and staff members are overseen by an Executive Director. Passed by a ballot referendum in 2019, the PAB investigates formal complaints against the police, which are then adjudicated internally and the results shared with the public. 

The Board comprises four Rochester residents from each of the City’s Districts (Northeast, Northwest, South and East), four members nominated by the Police Accountability Board Alliance and one member appointed by the Mayor. The PAB and its staff operate with full independence from the Rochester Police Department, and no current or former police officers, or current or recently serving elected officials, are permitted to serve on the Board. 

While the Police Accountability Board does not currently have the authority to impose discipline on officers of the Rochester Police Department, its findings offer valuable information in the public eye, City government and the court of law.