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Water main extensions and improvements project

The City’s Water Main Extensions & Improvements project involves replacing water mains that are structurally deficient, i.e. have a history of repeated breaks. This project also aims to replace water mains that are not capable of providing sufficient water quantity needed for fire-fighting purposes. Included with the new water mains are new fire hydrants and water services (from the water main to the curb stop). The curb stop is usually located between the curb and the sidewalk.

The location for the new main depends on the locations of other underground utilities such as sewers, gas mains, electric and telephone lines. In some cases the new water main is installed in the same location as the existing water main. In these cases temporary bypass water main and services are installed to provide water to residents for the duration of the water main construction process. The temporary bypass pipe is disinfected, bacteriologically tested, and approved by the Monroe County Department of Public Health before the bypass pipe is placed into service.

What to Expect

  • Notification letter will be delivered to each residence about 1 to 2 weeks before work is scheduled to commence.
  • All underground utilities will be marked-out.
  • Contractor will mobilize materials and equipment
  • If needed, bypass pipe will be installed
  • The pavement will be saw cut and excavation will commence as the new water main is installed.
  • The water main will be flushed, hydrostatically tested and bacteriologically disinfected. The Monroe County Department of Public Health will collect water samples for testing.
  • Following approval from Monroe County Public Health the Contractor will start installation of the water services.
  • The Contractor will coordinate with each resident for a water shut of approximately 4 hours while the new water service is reconnected to existing services at the curb stop. When an outside lead or galvanized service is replaced, a specific service line flushing protocol will be followed.
  • Pavement areas disturbed by the construction will be restored. The contractor will restore driveway apron and sidewalk areas disturbed by the construction activities. Lawn areas disturbed by the Contractor will be topsoiled and hydroseeded.
  • Contractor will demobilize from the area
  • Advance notice letter  Click here
  • Public Meeting presentation  Click here
  • Map of Area Click Here

Maintenance and Protection of Traffic

Local vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the water main construction activities.  Vehicles using the street as a cut-through may be directed to use alternative routes during the construction to lessen traffic and expedite the construction work. Access to driveways will be maintained. If a driveway is blocked for a short period of time (usually less than 4 hours) the Contractor will contact the affected resident to coordinate and minimize any inconvenience. Priority will be given to persons with physical handicaps and other physical limitations.

The Contractor will work closely with the Regional Transit Service and the Rochester City School District to ensure that bus routes and bus stops are maintained throughout the duration of the project.

Additional Information

The Water Bureau provides a full-time resident project representative (construction inspector) throughout the duration of the project. This staff individual, with many years of water main construction experience, will work closely with the contractor to ensure that the Contractor fully complies with all contract requirements. This individual will also help resolve any problems that arise in an expeditious manner.


If you have any questions about this project, please contact the City’s project manager, George Wheatley at 585-428-6133 or e-mail.

For construction-related issues or in the event of an emergency, call the Water Bureau’s Dispatch Office at 585-428-7500. This office is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.