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Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)

By publicly posting the following written disclosure, The City of Rochester intends that market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule.

The City of Rochester has retained an independent registered municipal advisor. The City of Rochester is represented by and will rely on its municipal advisor, Capital Markets Advisors, LLC, to provide advice on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. Proposals may be addressed to the City of Rochester.

For a proposal received to be seriously considered by the City of Rochester, the entity will share the document with its municipal advisor. Please note that aside from regulatory mandated correspondence between an underwriter and the municipal advisor, the underwriter should not speak directly with or send documents directly to the municipal advisor unless specifically directed to by the issuer. 
The name and contact information for the City of Rochester’s IRMA is as follows: 

Rick Ganci 
Senior Vice President and Principal 
Capital Markets Advisors, LLC 