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Historic Preservation - Designated Buildings of Historic Value

Rochester’s historic buildings and landscapes are truly unique and add character and economic value to the city. To protect this value, the City introduced zoning regulations in 2003 that are set forth in the City Code.

 Center Code - Code Section 120-65B

 Outside the Center City - Code Section 120-158C 

Designated Buildings of Historic Value are all properties in City-designated preservation districts, all City-designated individual landmarks, and all properties listed or eligible for listing by the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places. These properties include buildings, structures, districts, objects and sites significant in the history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture of New York and, in some cases, the nation. 

Among the 8 city-designated preservation districts are East Avenue and Mt. Hope/Highland. Among the many National Register districts are Maplewood, Browncroft and the Cascade District. Some areas have both a City designation and National Register listing. Over time, properties are added to or removed from the list, depending, in part, on age, condition and integrity.   

Designated Buildings of Historic Value

Properties are determined eligible for the State and National Register by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) within the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).   Properties achieve listing in the State Register by a determination of the New York State Board for Historic Preservation.  Those properties are then recommended to the National Park Service for consideration by the Keeper of the National Register for inclusion in that registry.  

Registers and the State Historic Preservation Office 

NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation