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Finding pet-friendly housing

Pet-inclusive housing resources

Pet-Inclusive Housing Research Report 2021 - Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)

Pet-Inclusive Considerations for Property Managers


Many animals are surrendered to shelters each year because their owners have difficulty finding rental properties that allow pets. The "Pets are Welcome" Resource List connects renters to helpful apartment/house rental search engines that provide real-time information on the properties that allow pets. It also contains information that encourages communication between rental management and pet-owning tenants. If rental management and pet owners work together, they can create a mutually beneficial pet-friendly environment, keeping the pet’s family intact and ensuring the protection of management’s properties.

Find helpful information about pet resumes, traveling with your pet, pet-friendly accommodations, and much more at

The "pets are welcome" resource list aims to

  • Help responsible pet owners find pet-friendly rental housing and help housing management advertise its pet-friendly properties by providing the latest resources, and
  • Show responsible pet owners how to present their pets and themselves as the good tenants that they can be.

Featured Pet-Friendly Rentals in Rochester:

P.A.W. Resources:

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