City of Rochester 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan
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Background on HUD funding
As a jurisdiction that receives funding directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Rochester is required to develop a Consolidated Plan to inform its use of annual HUD funds, which include the following four programs:
Many of the activities that these HUD programs can fund are recommended activities in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Rochester 2034 (adopted November 2019). Therefore, the City’s Consolidated Plan is a key implementation tool for Rochester 2034.
Five-year consolidated planning documents
The Consolidated Planning process required by HUD involves preparation of several overarching documents that are intended to inform and guide the City’s use of HUD dollars as well as lay out the City’s process for engaging the public to inform decision-making over the course of a five-year HUD program cycle. You can download the final 2020-2024 Consolidated Planning documents by clicking the links below:
Annual action plans
The Annual Action Plan is a short-term programming document that identifies how the City will spend its HUD dollars each program year to address the overarching priority needs and goals identified in the Consolidated Plan. Links to the Final Annual Action Plans prepared under the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan are listed below:
Every spring, the City prepares a new Annual Action Plan that must be finalized, approved, and submitted to HUD before the beginning of the new HUD program year (July 1-June 30). Information about upcoming public meetings, draft documents, opportunities to provide comments, or other information related to Annual Action Plan preparation is listed below.
Links to the Environmental Review Record for the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan are below:
- 2024-2025 AAP Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Tiered Reviews
- 2024-2025 AAP Environmental Review Records for Tiered Review Programs
Performance evaluation reports (CAPER)
The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) is an annual report produced after the end of each HUD program year that tracks progress on how funds allocated in the prior year’s Annual Action Plan were spent and what impact they had. Links to Final CAPERs prepared under the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan are listed below:
Every year, the City prepares a new CAPER after the end of the prior HUD program year (July 1-June 30). Information about draft documents and opportunities to provide comments related to CAPER preparation is listed below.
Past consolidated planning documents
Information on Rochester's Consolidated Plans as well as the Annual Action Plans and CAPERs prepared under them can be found here. On this page, you can find information about the City's CARES Act grant funding which was included in the 2019-20 Annual Action Plan.
Low-moderate income census documents
Most HUD-funded activities are intended to benefit low-moderate-income people or low-moderate-income census tracts.