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RPD: Administrative Services Division

 The Commander of the Administrative Services Division is Sammie Drayton Jr. The Administrative Services Division is comprised of:  

Professional Development Section (PDS): Responsible for training programs, including roll call, recruit, civilian pre-service (as needed), and in-service training. PDS is responsible for maintaining training records and approving lesson plans. It is also responsible for maintaining liaison with the Public Safety Training Facility (PSTF) in matters of recruit and advanced training and for providing all newly appointed personnel, sworn and civilian, with Departmental General Orders, Rules and Regulations and with orientation to the Department’s role, purpose, goals, policies, and procedures. PDS includes the following units and functions: 

*Training Unit:

Firearms Training: Maintains a record on each Departmental weapon approved by the agency for official use and related inventory, and firearms proficiency records; establishes procedures for the safe and proper storage, control, inventory and safeguarding of agency weapons and ammunition in a secured area; approves thbe types and specifications of all lethal weapons, less-than-lethal weapons and ammunition for official use; provides qualified armorers and firearms instructors to review, inspect, test and approve all new weapons, ammunition and related items intended for use by each member prior to carrying in the performance of duty and to remove unsafe weapons; instructs, trains and qualifies intra and inter-Departmental law enforcement agencies firearms in-service training.

In-Service Training: Plans and develops training programs, including special programs as directed; prepares and disseminates Training bulletins; notifies agency personnel of scheduled training and other training available to members of the Department; evaluates individual training programs; selects, advises, assists and supervises instructors.

Academy and Field Training: Coordinates recruit officer training, probationary officer field training and performance evaluations; selects and certifies Field Training Officers (FTOs) assigned to the Patrol Sections, updates FTO in-service training and FTO Manuals; ensures preparation of probationary officers progress reports; reports to the Department those probationary officers who have successfully completed the Field Training and Evaluation Program.; coordinates field training and evaluation of all newly appointed Sergeants and Lieutenants. 

*Background Unit: Liaisons with the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) for the recruitment of new officers; conducts background research into the reliability of statements made by candidates on pre-employment applications; undertakes an independent review of the personal, financial, educational history, moral character, and other related background matters pertinent to the suitability of sworn and certain non-sworn positions within the Department; assists DHRM personnel in the administration of entry-level examinations.

 *Volunteer Services Unit: Recruits civilians to assist in unpaid positions within the Department; coordinates volunteer activities and monitors individual performance; administers the internship program, conducts needs assessments and makes placements appropriate to the needs of individual Divisions, Sections and Units.

Technical Services Section (TSS): Provides technical support to field personnel and record access to the general public and is responsible for a variety of staff services as assigned by the Deputy Chief of Administration (DCA) including contract vehicle towing, coordination of police fleet purchase and maintenance and inventory control of Departmental fixed assets. The following functions exist within TSS:

*Headquarters/Records: The Department’s repository for the physical records contained in adult criminal history folders responsible for the appropriate release of records, (such as Department and NYS reports), to the public (victims, involved persons, Freedom of Information Law-FOIL) or as subpoenaed in accordance with law. Headquarters/Records processes requests for criminal history record checks, completes required forms necessary for 90-day updates to  the Sex Offender Registry, sets and receives bail, collates and distributes inter-departmental mail, produces the Rochester City Court arraignment docket, maintains the Department’s criminal history records and provides field personnel 24-hour access to records via radio, computer and teletype. The following functions exist within Headquarters/Records:

Police Overt Digital Surveillance System (PODSS) Center: Monitors the live video feed to the center and reports suspicious activity, per current directives. 

Call Reduction/311: Receives and services citizen requests for police services to be processed and resolved via telephone; provides general information to citizens, as well as the preparation of approved Departmental reports. 

Juvenile Records: Responsible for privacy, security precautions and controlling access to juvenile records, which are separately maintained from adult records; assigns a Juvenile Contact Registry number for each juvenile contact made by the RPD and is the repository for the physical records contained in juvenile criminal and identification records; responsible for procedures regarding collection, dissemination and retention of fingerprints, photographs, and other forms of identification pertaining to juveniles.

Identification: Prepares fingerprint cards, classifies fingerprints, maintains print classification files and submits print records to the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); fingerprints visa acquisitions, licensing, pistol permit and employment applications; updates the photographs and fingerprints of Sex Offender records.

Warrants: Administers and coordinates the Department’s arrest warrant services, including the entering of notices into regional, state and federal information systems, and recording, verifying and canceling information from Department files.

Court Liaison: Maintains a liaison with criminal and traffic courts and  notifies police officers and non-sworn employees when to appear in court for required proceedings.

Information Systems: Is the repository for the maintenance of all Department and NYS reports prepared by police personnel in accordance with the NYS Records Retention & Disposition Schedule MU-1; files, retrieves and provides the security of Department reports into the Records Management System (RMS); enters, reviews and monitors the quality of information in the Department’s computer database.

*Property Clerk Office: Manages the receipt, control, safekeeping and eventual disposition of physical property and evidence coming into the Department’s control; manages the Police Quartermaster and City Auto Impound.

Quartermaster: Maintains supplies of Departmental forms and reports, and orders, issues and maintains records of Departmental uniforms, equipment, and supplies; facilitates the maintenance of various types of equipment (e.g. portable radio repair) and maintains other equipment supplies, such as roadside flares.

Auto Impound: Manages the intake, control, safekeeping and eventual disposition of vehicles and related objects that are towed or removed from City streets or other public areas by the Department.

  • Assist Police Officers and Investigators in preparing selected Departmental forms and reports for Grand Jury packages;
  • Track felony cases submitted through the court system, reporting the disposition to the TSS Commanding Officer;
  • Reviews Grand Jury referrals and juvenile petitions before delivery to Court, bringing any deficiencies to the immediate attention of a TSS supervisor; and
  • Assists victims with preparing court warrant applications.