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Public Market Token Program for SNAP Recipients


Connecting people with SNAP benefits to fresh, healthy, affordable food

Through the Market Token Program, wooden Tokens are used as Market currency, making it possible for customers with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or "food-stamp") benefits to easily get fresh, healthy, affordable foods from participating Market vendors

SNAP benefit holders can stop at the white Market Token Center behind the Market Office house on regular Market shopping days year-round to swipe their Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card and obtain $1 and $5 tokens that function as cash and are accepted by dozens of Market vendors. Tokens are available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Saturdays from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., year-round. 

The Tokens can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, dairy products, baked goods, honey and spices, processed foods, and even seeds and even plants that produce food (for example, tomato or pepper plants). 

The flyer below (click link to download) was signed with more pictures and fewer words to make it more accessible to folks that speak languages other than English! 

Market Token Program for SNAP Flyer

Bonus!  New York State Fresh Connect Checks

Through the Fresh Connect program, New York State often offers a bonus on SNAP benefits redeemed at the Market! Ask about Fresh Connects at the Market Token Center. 

Market Token Program Superlatives

Just how successful is our Market Token program? In 2020 (the last year for which the USDA offers national data on SNAP use at farmers markets), the Market Token Program transacted an amazing 23% of all SNAP benefits redeemed at all 290 participating markets across New York State. That's right-- just this one of 290 SNAP-accepting markets across New York State was responsible for 23% of the total amount of statewide SNAP redemption. 

The program also transacted 2% of all SNAP redemption nationwide in 2020-- a remarkable performance given that 4,656 farmers markets accepted SNAP that year across the nation. As of October 30,  the Market Token Program had already transacted over $1.2 million in SNAP benefits for the year 2024. 

Managed by the Friends of the Rochester Public Market

This nation-leading program is managed by the Friends of the Rochester Public Market, the City's essential non-profit partner--with just one part-time paid manager and a legion of dedicated volunteers. 


The Friends of the Market also welcomes additional volunteers to help with the Market Token Program! If interested, call the Friends office at 585-428-7292 or email

Donate and Buy Market Merchandise to Support the Market Token Program 

The Friends of the Public Market welcomes your financial support of the Market Token Program, and all its other work to make the Market more!  To make a donation to the Friends, visit

Note that all proceeds from Market-branded merchandise also go to support the Friends and the Market Token Program! 

Information and Contact

For more information on this  program, or to request materials and/or a presentation, contact the Friends office at 585-428-7292 or email

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