Dewey Avenue & Emerson Street Improvement Project Public Meeting
Meeting Details
Agenda: This hybrid meeting will include a presentation of the preliminary design for the above referenced project. The project will include, but is not limited to, pavement reconstruction, new curbs, sidewalks, curb ramps, driveway aprons, drainage basins, water mains, water services, hydrants, street lighting, signals, signage, pavement markings, tree plantings, and other streetscape improvements. Recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian safety related improvements and parking regulation adjustments will be presented.
Please plan to attend this important meeting either in person or via zoom. To attend this meeting via zoom, please type in the address listed above on your web browser or go to and enter the Webinar ID provided above. We kindly ask that you plan to connect to the meeting 5 to 10 minutes early at which time you may be placed in a waiting room until the meeting begins.
If you are unable to attend, please visit the project webpage to view a PDF of the presentation and graphics depicting the planned improvements at
If you require special arrangements for the meeting or have questions regarding the project, please contact the City’s Project Manager, Tim Hubbard at 585-428-7154 or
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